Anki for German. 4. Editing Anki templates

Last Updated on October 26, 2023

Editing Anki templates is the most important change that affects the way your notes and cards look. Here we can add fields, decide, how many cards have our note. We can also add a opportunity to type the answer.

All posts about Anki
Part 1. Studying
Part 2. Editing a deck and notes
Part 3. Creating new notes
Part 5. Сloze with typing
Part 6. Add a pronunciation

This guide has been updated for Anki’s new design. The old version is not much different. For more important differences, the old version is hidden under spoilers. In the new version, you can click the “Downgrade” button in the “Profiles” window. But in terms of design, the new version is better.


First questions – how many fields I will have. I think, for German I need certainly not only word and translation but also grammar forms. So I need at least 3 fields.

editing Anki templates

But at first I must set new note type. I go Tools / Manage Note Types. Then Add. Since I will 3 fields, I choose Basic (and reversed card) and give a good name, that shows what is important in this template.

About template Cloze I will talk in the next posts.

editing Anki templates

Then I click on my new template and further Fields. I add as many fields as I want.

In my case I will Question (German word), Beispiel (german sentences), Grammatika (der/die/das, n-Deklination, strong verbs, verbs with sich, prepositions etc.), Answer (translation), comment – additional information, for example about synonyms.

editing Anki templates

I can change an order (Reposition).

Important: what field is for sorting (Sort by this field in the browser).

Anki Templates

We go to Cards.

editing Anki templates

This is our templates.

From here there is larger difference between old and new versions, therefore old version is under the spoiler.

Old Version
editing Anki templates

On the rightpreview.

Above – what we see on the front side of the card. Below – what we see on the back side.

On the left: editing. In the middle there is styling, that is common for all my cards in this template.

You can use html, for example:

<br> – indention (paragraph)
<hr> – linie

{{field’s name}} – you can add a field, click on the orange button below. But you can choose only the fields, which you create a step ago. You can also use default fields such as FrontSide.

In this template is all simple: Anki shows me German word (Question) – I remember (or do not remember) translation and by clicking see an Answer.

Front side of the card 1.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

I click Show Answer, receive back side and decide, how good I know it.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

First reversed card

This card shows me translation and I must remember German word.

But I will also type this German word. Typing is very good for my memory. Therefore I add a default field type:name of a field. German word is Question field, therefore I write {{type:Question}} (blue). Not forget blue code in styling.

If you don’t need a typing, you can write simply your own field’s names as we did it on the card 1.

Preview shows me, how wrong answer looks like. Right answer is green.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

Second reversed card

Finally, I want another card for reviewing grammar, and also with the opportunity to type a word. The grammar card is exactly what I missed in other programs.

Plus button – add a card. This time I write {{type:grammatika}}.

On this card there are no additional fields, only German word and its forms.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

This is how it will look by learning.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

I was right:

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

And here a wrong answer:

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

More button below gives some options: rename, reposition, deck override (if you want, that your card goes to certain deck).

New version looks like this.

On the left half of the page is my editing, on the right is what it will look like. In the new version, the design has been simplified, you can better see what you are editing.

Editing consists of three parts, each hidden on its own button on the left:
Front Template (question, on my card it is German),
Back Template (answer, on my card it’s translation),

The first is the front, so that’s the question we’re asking ourselves.

To add the Field you should click the Add Field button below. It is logical that this will be the root word. I have this field called Question. The fields are in brackets.

I also wanted to have examples of the use of this word so that I could remember not only the basic meaning but additional ones as well. So I added example (beispiel) and style field in HTML so the examples are not too flashy.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

Now the back. What do I see when I click Show Answer?

Above I see a repetition of the question – this requires the FrontSide field. Next comes the line break (<hr>) and my personal field with grammatical forms. You can make no personal fields.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

The third button is a style sheet so those who know HTML can edit the look.

First reversed card

Next I need to make a reversed card. After all, I don’t just want to learn from German into my mother tongue, but also from my mother tongue into German.

Since I chose the “Basic (and reversed card)” type, I already have the second card, I just need to fill with the fields I want to see there.

You can change the card above. If you don’t have a reversed card, you must add a card via the Options button above.

Like by the direct card, there are three buttons – Front Template, Back Template, Styling. Because it’s a reversed card, it’s an Answer instead of a Question.

I want to add also the ability to type the answer, so I’ll add the “Type” (rosa) line. There is the field with which the typed word (question) is compared. If you don’t want to type, you don’t need this line, just your fields.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

Back. The words exomple – example are here because I added typing.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

In order to be able to type a word, an additional line is required in the Styling button.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

This is what learning will look like. Left is what I typed, right is the answer.

Another card with grammar

At last I want another card just to review the grammar and with the option to type the word. The grammar map is exactly what I was missing in other programs.

I can arrange it in a simple way: show a question – show an answer. But I want to type words. Mechanical memory is a great thing. I add a card in Options and and do the same as on the reversed card, only the fields are different.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates
Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

It’s more convenient for me if the third card goes straight into the grammar deck. To do this, I need to click the Options Deck Override button at the top. In the old version there was a More button at the bottom.

Anki Vorlagen bearbeiten / editing Anki templates

Other posts about anki – #Anki. Next – template Cloze.

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