Last Updated on April 1, 2023
Next possible forms and techniques – polygonal lantern and cylinder lantern (“cheese package”).
part 1 lighting, basic materials
part 2 paper mache lantern, lampions lantern, paper bags,
part 4 – “houses” and “drums”
DIY silhouette lantern for Saint Martin feast. Part 5
Separat about feast and songs for it.
Bascetta star tutorial
German school cone (Schultüte). How to make
Technique 4. Polygonal lantern
These lanterns do not require any special additional decorations, except for coloring. As their original form already attracts attention in itself. You can find templates for a variety of shapes. I liked the pentagon lantern.
It is done quickly (1 hour), it looks very good. Ideal for the little childrens as it is small. For this lantern, you need thick paper (e.g. watercolor paper) – that’s all.
Pentagon polygonal lantern instruction
1. Download from the Internet a picture with a regular pentagon (you type in the search for “regular pentagon” and download the most adequate picture)
2. Print out the pentagon in the desired size. Your lantern will be slightly higher than the two side length. I have a side 6 cm, a lantern 13 cm high.
3. Cut out the pentagon.
4. Take suitable paper. I have thin watercolor paper (a little thicker than regular colored paper, but thinner than the good watercolor paper).
Outline pentagons (11 pieces) and cut out.
5. Mark the middle on all sides. Bend along the line “the middle of one side – the middle of the adjacent side”.

6. Smear the triangle with a glue-pencil from the bottom, and the other pentagon, respectively, from the top. And combine along the fold line.
Do this five times. I made it so that all the triangles overlap the same. Then I decided that it would be better if each side of my lantern looked the same: i.e. one was completely triangles outward and the other was completely triangles inside.

Second row.

Follow me
7. Glue the rows together and glue the bottom according to the same principle. Wrap the upper triangles inward or outward.
8. I painted with watercolors (wetted watercolor paper and made streaks).

Technique 5. Cylinder lantern
The cylinder lantern belongs to the most standard forms, classic of classic. However, it is not so easy to do it, and the result is not always satisfactory.
The reason is too much thin paper and not enough hard basis. For basis one use boxes from round soft cheese (or the same boxex from art stories). In the middle is usually a long, wide strip of transparent paper.
You will need: two round cheese boxes, sheets of paper (transparent or oiled colored paper or crepe paper).
It is not so easy to glue everything exactly on both sides. The impression can also be spoiled by an unsuccessfully chosen color.
Most of all I liked how they did it in the kindergarden with spots of liquid watercolor on crepe paper.

And this is from school. Beautiful only in the light, lost in the dark (take leaves, color them and press).

Next: part 4 “Houses” and “drums”
part 1 Lighting and basic materials
part 2 Paper mache lantern, lampions, paper bags
part 5 Lanterns with silhouettes.
Saint Martin Festival and songs for it
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