Germany apartments search. Decoding ads

Apartments search in Germany has some special feature: you must know special language of renting ads, you should have a good friends and for you it will be much simplier, if you have no family.

The best way to find a good apartment in Germany is to ask friends. Since most apartments with a good price-quality ratio do not reach the Internet.

But if there are no acquaintances, then you have to work hard.

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Speech delay by children. Part 1. Norm and problems

Having behind my back many years of struggle for the speech of the my second child and only too late having finally received our not very happy diagnosis of dyspraxia in my hands, I can summarize a lot about speech delay in children in Germany.

In this thread: what is normal and what is not, when to sound the alarm, what may be the reasons, what to do, where to go, how to find a good speech therapist and what techniques are familiar to me.

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German tax return. Anlage WA-Est

how to fill out anlage wa-est german tax return anlage wa-est / Steuererklärung Anlage Wa-Est ausfüllen

In this part – how to fill out Anlage Wa-Est.

Anlage Wa-Est is filled out by those

  • who left Germany in the declared year,
  • who moved in Germany in the declared year
  • but also those who do not have a permanent place of residence in Germany, but would like to be treated as unrestricted taxable (that is, as living in Germany).

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Bilingual children. 1. Strategy and rules

Now people are so mobile that you will not surprise anyone with a multilingual family. For expats parents, this problem, which languages their children speak, take up a lot of time, it cannot be solved easily and forever. More precisely, this is the only way: no language – no problem, but this option is not suitable for everyone.

The main thing that you must remember is that there is no real bilingual child “by itself, out of air”. This is always the work of the parents, which may not be obvious to an outside observer.

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German tax return Elster. Anlage Sonderausgaben

German tax return Anlage Sonderausgaben Steuererklärung

“Special expenses” (Sonderausgaben) used to be in the Mantelbogen of the German tax declaration. Now they have been taken out in a separate application Anlage Sonderausgaben. Lines are in a different order now.
Application content: chirch tax, donations, expenses for first education, maintenance of other persons.

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