Pregnancy in Germany. 1. Problems of getting pregnant

Last Updated on March 27, 2023

Often it is written about pregnancy in Germany in the style of all the great and seamlessly. I tried to gather a more complete picture from my experience and the experience of my friends.

There are plenty of difficulties. Because although pregnancy is not a disease but a condition of the body, some of these conditions are such that will give odds to many diseases.

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Part 2. Testing and monitoring
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1. Problems before pregnancy

The problem of getting pregnant in our time will surprise no one. Moreover, this may be the first pregnancy, and not the first.

In this case, the main rule: do not try to treat it with a regular gynecologist. If the child is not the first, the chances that something will be treated by an ordinary gynecologist are very low.

Praxis for problem pregnancies / their absence in Germany is called Kinderwunschpraxis. More often they take patients as a transfer from a permanent doctor, which is rather inconvenient. And only if there are places (and they usually are not) – as regular customers.

It is very good if you have the opportunity to immediately go to the center at some major well-known clinic. This can save a lot of time. The Kinderwunschpraxis tends to do one analysis after another, rather than all at once. That is, it will look like this: after 3 months there will be a conversation with a doctor, after another month one analysis, after two months a conversation with a doctor based on the results, then another analysis … In a year or two, all the tests will finally be done. Large centers act faster: a full list of tests that need to be passed is issued and you do it at once.

Check up for those who can’t get pregnant

There is a standard set of examinations for those who cannot get pregnant or who have had multiple miscarriages.

– for blood coagulation

– for sugar

– hormones (estrogen, thyroid, testosterone and several others)

– paid analysis for hidden infections in the uterus (Killerzellen / Plasmazellen, about 230-250 euros)

– spermogram (for those who cannot get pregnant, with miscarriages are usually not done)

– genetic tests

– hysteroscopy (diagnostic surgery with or without anesthesia)

Some reasons come up right away, like some kind of hormones or blood problems. Others – only after a full cycle of tests. Still others remain undetected.

The first three analyzes are clear – you need to do a blood test on a specific day of the cycle.

Sugar and especially insulin levels are checked with a 2-hour test on an empty stomach. It is believed that high sugar can cause miscarriage. Although not all doctors support this idea. It may also be associated with increased testosterone levels – the so-called PCO-Syndrom, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). It usually occurs in women who are overweight. They suggest treating with a diabetic medicaments. At the same time, treatment has a dubious success rate. It is believed that the same result can be achieved through lifestyle changes.

Paid analysis on Killerzeller is done by pinching off tissue from the uterus (very painful analysis). The analysis is paid, since the idea is not 100% confirmed. It is believed that a number of infections can live without problems in the uterus, but still prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

Hysteroscopy (examination of the uterus through the cervix), if needed, can be
without anesthesia
or under anesthesia on an outpatient basis (come in the morning – leave in the afternoon).

The first option is purely diagnostic. If they see something, it will still have to be repeated under anesthesia so that it can be removed.

Genetic analysis is done free of charge. Diagnostic centers are located in large cities. Couples who cannot become pregnant and couples who have had three or more miscarriages can do an examination. At the interview, a detailed family tree is drawn up with a list of existing diseases in relatives and a blood test is done.

How much can it cost

The amount of money is gradually increasing with the number of analyzes in which nothing was found. It is clear that miscarriages or inability to get pregnant is, like pregnancy, not a disease. This means that the Krankenkasse is not obliged to take over the cost of everything.

At first, it can be 10-30 euros as part of the fee for blood test and other testing. Then you receive an offer to do one or another completely paid analysis. And of course, when it comes to more complex treatments, the price grows from stimulating ovulation, through insemination, to artificial fertilization.

There is such a problem that the more serious the procedure, the less transparent the price becomes. They do not say the full amount in advance. Stimulation of ovulation is done a certain number of times at the expense of the insurance (two or three). But the additional cost (depending on which medicine is chosen) still falls (50-70 euros).

Insemination will be about 250-300 euros, plus stimulation – up to 1000 euros, artificial fertilization – 2500-5000 euros.

The cost of all more complex procedures can also be partially compansate by insurance – but in this case, you already need to carefully look at the offers of different insurance policies. Important – how much attemps and other information in small print. In this case it is recommended to find a insurance makler.

There are also such Krankenkassen that pay for a much larger part of artificial fertilization than other insurances. Usually the insurance then does not pay for other additional services and requires a larger monthly amount.

Next – part 2 Paid and unpaid tests.

Next – part 2, part 3, part 4.
Other medical topics – #medicine

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