Comments on: SS or ß in German Expats in Germany Wed, 15 May 2024 08:01:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: tromari Tue, 05 Sep 2023 17:42:50 +0000 In reply to JKM.

You obviously have been in Germany for a long time. For me, muss and dass are ok. In my opinion, the rule now makes sense. Less need to learn by heart. Books with old spellings are difficult to read. But those who are used to the old spelling, of course, do not perceive the new well. Changes in language and spelling are always met with hostility in all countries, so they are rarely carried out and not always completely successful, because they try to please everyone. In my opinion, there are much less successful innovations, such as the new written multiplication in Germany.

By: JKM Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:01:59 +0000 While it was happening, many people in Germany referred to the ‘Rechtschreibreform’ as the ‘Schlechtschreibreform’. In a couple cases, entire Bundesländer took the Kultusminister to court over the proposed changes. There was a period of about 7 or 8 years where both sets of spelling rules were considered simultaneously correct, until the deadline had passed, causing much confusion among students. One of the chief arguments in favor of the changes was that a spelling reform would make German easier for foreigners to learn, though spelling had been one of the least challenging aspects of the language. Simplifying the grammar would have made more sense, if ease of learning had been the goal.

Words like “Schiffahrt” were changed to “Schifffahrt” after the reform. “Flußschiff” became “Flussschiff”, and so on. Street signs were even changed to reflect the new spellings! Phrases that had been separate by the old way of spelling (zur Zeit) became joined in the new (zurzeit), while words like “zuhause” were separated into “zu Hause”.

After all these years, spellings like “dass”, “muss” and “wusste” still look odd… !
