Donautal: Danube source, Danube Valley, Sigmaringen

The Danube Valley from Sigmaringen to Tuttlingen is not so widely known and is not as popular as the nearby Black Forest. But these stunning views are worth spending a day biking, hiking, or even just taking the train along. In this topic we will look at the Danube source and the Danube Valley (with maps) and get to Sigmaringen.

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High Black Forest map

Freiburg Black Forest

The High Black Forest is the southern part of the mountain range around the Feldberg mountain. This part is named high for a simple reason – here is the highest point of the Black Forest. The set includes narrow mountain roads, high, albeit thin, waterfalls and gorges.
After the Triberg waterfall, Lake Titisee and Feldberg are the second point of attraction for the largest number of tourists, which is facilitated by the only convenient federal road from east to west in the Black Forest, passing from Freiburg past Titisee, and a greater amount of snow on the mountain in winter.

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Bad Teinach Zavelstein castle and crocus fields

Zavelstein Krokusblüte / Zavelstein crocus fields

Once the inhabitants of the small town Zavelstein thought about the fact that the use of the land kills wild crocuses, and decided to fix it. First, they fenced off a piece of the fiel. Then they achieved that almost the entire field near their village fell under protection. They did not give it away for the construction of houses, did not build a nursing home, did not plow it up for rapeseed. But simply guarded so that once a year you could look at purple fields.

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Schiltach in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald)

Schiltach in the Black Forest / Schiltach Schwarzwald

Preparing for the travel I rated for myself Schiltach in the Black Forest as “a particularly picturesque city” from the descriptions and photographs. Reality confirmed it: Schiltach is indeed a very picturesque town, very half-timbered and very floral. Unfortunately, we got into a midday break and could not go to the pharmacy museum, but we had a wonderful walk und visited another museum.

The town is located at the confluence of two rivers. To complete the picture, some kind of castle is missing. The castle was, but it is all over. There is only the castle hill, a covered wooden bridge and ruins remained – the rest was sold for building materials at the end of the 18th century.

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Baden-Baden rose garden

Baden Baden Rosengarten / Baden Baden rose garden

Baden-Baden rose garden is called Rosenneuheitengarten – that is, rose’s novelties.

There is a garden above the Kurpark – straight from the Kurpark along the street, a rather steep climb. It is very difficult to get there by car along some strange narrow road. There is probably some more “human” road there, but newcomers to this city will have a lot of emotions trying to get to the garden and parks. You can park along the street near the garden, although this is not indicated anywhere. However, there are a lot of people who wish, and free places fly away immediately.

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