And you thought you were being praised. German certificate of employment Arbeitszeugnis

German certificate of employment Arbeitszeugnis is a carefully coded document to be studied with a list of words and expressions.

Knowing the German language fully is not only knowing the words and grammar. Because hints play a huge role in German. They never speak their mind directly. A direct statement is often perceived as aggression, or a threat, or arrogance. This is not surprising, because if, as you will see later, a negative characteristic is hidden under the indication of punctuality, then the mind, looking for subtext everywhere, will see an insult in simple direct criticism.

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What is selbstständig, Unternehmer, Honorar, Firma in Germany

What is selbstständig and how does it differ from Unternehmen? Selbstständig in Germany is an individual entrepreneur with a small business, as opposed to Unternehmen with a bunch of employees? Freiberufler is a freelancer or not only? And if I work for a Honorar – am I a Freiberufler? Let’s take a look at the statuses.

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