Special schools and inclusion for kids with speech delay in Germany

In Germany, there are different forms of education for kids with speech delay and speech development problems. These can be pure special schools for children with speech problems, general special schools for children with special needs, and inclusion (education in regular classes). In each specific federal state, this can be only one of the options or a combination of them.

In this post I will explain why these special schools for kids with speech delay are nothing to be afraid of, what is good about them, how they differ from regular schools and inclusion and where to find them in different federal states in Germany.

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Child with speech delay – where you can find help. Speech therapist in Germany

So, you were able to convince the pediatrician that your child needs help. In this topic, more about speech therapists in Germany, how to find them, what methods they use, and what other specialists will help you. Read more about speech delay in parts 1-3.

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Speech delay by children. Part 1. Norm and problems

Having behind my back many years of struggle for the speech of the my second child and only too late having finally received our not very happy diagnosis of dyspraxia in my hands, I can summarize a lot about speech delay in children in Germany.

In this thread: what is normal and what is not, when to sound the alarm, what may be the reasons, what to do, where to go, how to find a good speech therapist and what techniques are familiar to me.

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