Tests for Gender and Plural in German

Last Updated on August 15, 2024

Exercises-tests to repeat the theory about gender, declension and plural in the German language.

Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine gender
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Masculine gender
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Neuter gender

All words in the tests were mentioned in the theoretical part. All tasks are based on choosing several correct answers. Pay attention to the exact wording of the questions.

Test 1. Gender of nouns – 1

A simpler word selection test with a fixed number of correct answers (3 answers in each task).

Gender 1

Determine the gender of German words. Each question has 3 correct answers

1 / 20

Mark the feminine words.

2 / 20

Mark ​​the words related to n-Deklination

3 / 20

Specify which features do NOT refer to the feminine gender

4 / 20

Mark the masculine words.

5 / 20

Mark ​​the words related to n-Deklination

6 / 20

Mark the masculine words.

7 / 20

Specify which signs do NOT refer to the masculine gender

8 / 20

Mark the words of the neuter gender

9 / 20

Indicate which features are NOT features of the neuter gender.

10 / 20

Mark the words of the neuter gender

11 / 20

Mark the masculine words.

12 / 20

Mark the words of the neuter gender

13 / 20

Mark the masculine words.

14 / 20

Mark the feminine words.

15 / 20

Mark the feminine words.

16 / 20

Mark the words of the neuter gender

17 / 20

Mark the masculine words.

18 / 20

Mark the feminine words.

19 / 20

Mark ​​the words related to n-Deklination

20 / 20

Mark the feminine words.

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The average score is 100%


Test 2. Gender of nouns – 2

A slightly more difficult test. The number of correct answers varies.

Gender 2

We determine the gender of German words. Each question has different number of correct answers

1 / 21

What words relate to n-Deklination?

2 / 21

What words relate to n-Deklination?

3 / 21

Mark the words of the feminine gender

4 / 21

Mark the words of the neuter gender

5 / 21

What features indicate feminine gender?

6 / 21

What words relate to n-Deklination?

7 / 21

Mark the words of the feminine gender

8 / 21

Mark the words of the masculine gender

9 / 21

Mark the words of the feminine gender

10 / 21

Mark the words of the feminine gender

11 / 21

Mark the words of the masculine gender

12 / 21

Mark the words of the masculine gender

13 / 21

Mark the words of the neuter gender

14 / 21

Mark the words of the neuter gender

15 / 21

Mark the words of the masculine gender

16 / 21

Mark the words of the feminine gender

17 / 21

Mark the words of the neuter gender

18 / 21

Mark the words of the masculine gender

19 / 21

What features indicate neuter gender?

20 / 21

What feature indicate masculine gender?

21 / 21

Mark the words of the neuter gender

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The average score is 95%


Test 3. Plural


Define words that have the same pattern of plural. Each question has three correct answers.

1 / 15

Mark the words that form the plural according to the pattern der Hund - die Hunde

2 / 15

Mark the words that form the plural with umlaut and -er

3 / 15

Which words form the plural according to the pattern der Ball - die Bälle?

4 / 15

What words look the same in the plural as in the singular?

5 / 15

Mark the words that form the plural according to the pattern der Hund - die Hunde

6 / 15

Mark the words that form the plural according to the pattern das Amt - die Ämter

7 / 15

What words form plural with -e?

8 / 15

Mark the words that have a zero ending in the plural (do not change)

9 / 15

Mark the words that have a zero ending in the plural (do not change)

10 / 15

Which words form the plural according to the pattern der Ball - die Bälle?

11 / 15

Mark words that form the plural with -en

12 / 15

What words form plural with -n?

13 / 15

Mark words that form the plural with -en

14 / 15

What words form plural with -s?

15 / 15

What words form plural with -s?

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The average score is 100%


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