Rund um Stuttgart

Rund um Stuttgart – alle Beiträge. Stuttgart und UmgebungWas zu sehen in StuttgartStuttgart. Wilhelma TiereStuttgart. Wilhelma BlüteRund um Stuttgart Sehenswürdigkeiten. KarteEsslingen AltstadtLudwigsburg Schloss und Parks Schwäbische AlbSchwäbische Alb Sehenswürdigkeiten KarteVon Ulm bis Ellwangen. Albtrauf und Bayerisch-SchwabenBad Urach Wasserfall NordschwarzwaldNordschwarzwald AusflugszieleBad Teinach Zavelstein KrokusblüteSchwarzwald SchiltachSchwarzwald. Was zu sehen. Von Altensteig bis Gengenbach

Around Stuttgart

What to see around Stuttgart – all posts. Stuttgart and surroundingWhat to see in StuttgartStuttgart zoo Wilhelma. AnimalsStuttgart zoo Wilhelma. FlowersPlaces to visit near Stuttgart. MapEsslingen Old town and mapLudwigsburg palace and gardens Swabian AlbSwabian Alb mapFrom Ulm to Ellwangen. Albtrauf and Bavarian SwabiaBad Urach Waterfall Northern Black ForestNorth Black Forest. What to see mapBad … Read more

Lake Constance attractions

Lake Constance (Bodensee) is one of the most favorite places of vacation. And this is its main drawback for everyone who wants to relax. For those who are not disturbed by the crowds of walking, skating, swimming and eating, there are a lot of advantages: clean water, equipped beaches and thermal pools, water sports and … Read more

Education system in Baden-Württemberg

Now there are many options for accessing higher education, and it’s good to know about them in advance, especially when you have to choose a school after primary school. Let’s see education system in Baden-Württemberg.

In Germany, each federal state itself determines how its children should study. At first I wanted to make a general overview, but it very quickly turned into a huge lump with sticking out legs of numerous features of this or that land, in which one could get lost already in the first two paragraphs. So let’s go by each federal state separately.

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