Election in Germany 2021. Questions and answers

Last Updated on April 19, 2022

Let’s look how the parties answer the important questions of election in Germany 2021.

Once again, I note that the websites will help you understand what questions is discussed, but do not trust them too much. One simple example: the question “Family reunification of migrants has been limited since 2015, is this correct” gives two answers – yes and no. However, “no” actually implies two completely opposite answers: “no, we must not let them in at all”, and “no, we must take everyone”. Thus, by answering “no”, you matched both the left guys and AfD. And there are many such inaccuracies – different wording of the questions will give different answers to the same party, “no” can be like a refusal and “no” like another proposal.

It turned out very clearly – you can see how strongly the greens developed the red theme and how strongly the red ones developed into the green. If you are going to vote for the Greens, please note that you vote as Linke in many cases. In my opinion, this is a combination of the incompatible: after all, following the green theme in the proposed from Greens and Reds form, they kill their social program (jobs, family cars …). Where does the money come from? The ÖDP in this sense are more understandable and consistent – back to the ground, digging potatoes and consuming fewer. Only for some reason no one wants and does not vote for them.

Nearby I wrote about possible coalitions, if obvious. For decoding of coalitions’ nicknames, see the first part.

I looked at the parties in parliament and a couple of the most visible small ones, because studying all parties that gain less than a percent is a waste of time. Die Partei also is not mentioned: this is for those who want to laugh (“we will make the speed limit 136 km/h, this is as much as 6 km more than the SPD …”). Since I looked at different sites, there were different numbers of answers to different questions. Abbreviation FW not typical – Freie Wähler

Economic block

Increase the tax burden on the rich

SPD, Linke, Grüne, ÖDP, Tierschutz – yes

Union (is shifted to the poor and slows down economic development), Volt, FW – no

FDP, AfD – decrease

Return to previous rules of EU budget constraints in force before the pandemic

Union, FDP – yes

Grüne, SPD – yes, but reform them first

Linke – no

Covid vaccine patent should remain

Union, FDP , SPD , FW, AfD – yes
GroKo, Deutschland

Linke , Grüne , ÖDP, Tierschutz, Volt – no

Income of international companiesin Germany must be taxed in Germany

This refers to the taxation of large international corporations that have a base in other places, and receive income, including in Germany.

SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, ÖDP, AfD – yes
R2G, Kiwi, GroKo, Kenia

Union – yes – in cooperation with OECD countries

Tierschutz – while not taxing medium-sized companies

FDP – do not allow concerns to evade taxes offshore, the proposed law does not help this goal

Soli completely cancel

Soli – tax for recontruct of East Germany (previously GDR)

Union, FDP , FW, AfD , Volt – yes

SPD , Linke , Grüne , ÖDP – no

The state should continue to collect church tax

Union, FDP , SPD, Grüne , FW, ÖDP – yes
Ampel, Kiwi, Deutschland, GroKo

AfD – secularize church property

Linke , Tierschutz, Volt – let them collect themselves

Childless families should continue to have tax reduction (Ehegattenstplittung)

Union, FDP , SPD , AfD , FW – yes
GroKo, Deutschland

Grüne – change taxation

ÖDP, Volt, Linke – no

The possibility of freezing Schuldbremsen in the Constitution must remain

Schuldbremsen – the rule that the state does not spend more than it earns

Union, FDP , SPD , FW, AfD – yes
GroKo, Deutschland

Grüne – modernize

ÖDP, Volt, Linke – cancel

Change the payment system for inpatient medical services (now lump-sum)

SPD , Linke , FW, ÖDP, AfD , Tierschutz, Volt – yes

Union, FDP , Grüne – no
Kiwi, Jamaika

Offer of equity funds in state pension insurance

Union, Linke , AfD – no

FDP , Grüne, SPD – yes

Social block

Right to homeoffice

SPD , Linke , Grüne , ÖDP – yes

FDP , Union, FW, AfD , Volt – the employer decides if it is possible

Right to unemployment benefits if the person has not worked before

Union, FDP , AfD – no

SPD , Linke, Grüne – yes

Rent damping

SPD , Linke , Grüne , Volt, ÖDP, Tierschutz – yes

Union – problem solving in a complex

FDP , FW – build more

AfD – against government regulation of the sector

Raising the minimum wage to € 12-13 per hour by 2022

SPD , Grüne , ÖDP – yes, up to 12 euros

Linke , Volt – yes, up to 13 euros

Tierschutz – yes, up to 15 euros in 2030

Union, FDP , AfD – no

Guaranteed pension

SPD , Grüne – not less than 48 percent from salary

Linke – yes, 53 percent

Union, FDP, AfD – no

Everyone who works in the state pension system

Union, FDP , FW – no, the common system will not be able to pay pensions to all if the number of employees falls

SPD , Linke , Grüne, ÖDP, Tierschutz – yes

AfD – if one has not chosen private insurance, then they must go to state insurance, it is necessary also to reduce civil servants (Beamte)

Should health insurance be replaced with a common one for all? (Bürgersicherung)

SPD , Linke , Grüne – yes

Union, FDP , AfD no

BAföG regardless of parents’ income

BAföG – state credit for studying

Union (modernize BAföG), SPD , AfD – no

FDP , Linke , Grüne , FW, Volt – yes

The retirement age can be raised according to the demographic situation

Union, FDP , SPD , Linke, Grüne , AfD – no


Elections from 16 years old

At this point I perfectly understand the parties that vote for – this is purely their electorate. No matter how hard he tried and experimented with the wahl-o-mat, my oldest child turned out to be communists, Marxists and green.

FDP , SPD , Linke, Grüne , ÖDP, Volt, Tierschutz – yes
R2G, Ampel

Union, FW, AfD – no

Greater involvement of citizens in resolving issues

Union – through digitalization

SPD, Linke, Grüne, FDP – through the council of citizens
R2G, Ampel

AfD – through referendums

Free sale of marijuana to adults

Union , AfD – no

FDP , SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, ÖDP – yes
R2G, Ampel

Second citizenship is possible

Interestingly, this is often grounded by the fact that the children of migrants need this opportunity for cultural self-determination, while the migrants themselves need it first of all.

SPD , Linke , Grüne, FW, ÖDP, Tierschutz, Volt – yes
R2G, Ampel

Union, AfD – no

FDP – dual citizenship upon joining German, with the generation of grandchildren refusal

Make gender designations mandatory in the official language

It’s good that in German you just need to add -innen and they won’t receive funny variants. But what a waste of paper, however. Eco-activists – it is not good!

SPD , Linke , Grüne, Tierschutz, Volt – yes

Union, FDP , FW – no (for an increase in female designations, but without obligation)

AfD , ÖDP – no

Allow to wear headscarves in government positions

Union (allow depending on the position individually), FDP (depending on the position and place), SPD , AfD – no
GroKo, Deutschland

Linke , Grüne , FW, ÖDP, Volt, Tierschutz – yes for all

More money to fight anti-Semitism

Union, FDP , FW, SPD , Linke , Grüne , ÖDP, AfD , Tierschutz – yes

Election lists of parties should alternate between men and women

SPD , Linke , Grüne , Volt – yes

FDP , FW, ÖDP, AfD – no

Union – it is unconstitutional

Allow facial recognition for video in public places

FDP , SPD , Linke , Grüne , Volt, ÖDP, AfD – no
R2G, Ampel

Union – yes

The state must recognize Islamic religious organizations

SPD , Linke , Grüne , Union (if they have a form that complies with the law), FDP , Volt, ÖDP, Tierschutz – yes

FW, AfD – no

Donations to parties from organizations

FDP , AfD , Union (subject to transparency) – yes

Grüne, Linke , ÖDP – forbid

SPD , Volt, Tierschutz, FW – limit

Family block

Free kindergarten throughout Germany

Union, FDP , Grüne , AfD – no
Kiwi, Jamaika

SPD , Linke – yes

Guaranteed Ganztagesbetreuung

Ganztagesbetreuung – children have place in the kindergarten or afternoon primary school

Union – already exists for children from 3 to 6 years old and will be for primary school until 2026 (law passed)

SPD , Linke, Grüne – yes

FDP – more flexibility, opening hours are not suitable for parents

AfD – no

Basic child allowance instead of available options (Kindergrundsicherung)

SPD , Linke, Grüne – yes

Union, FDP – no, other options

Traditional M + F families and children should have more support from the state

Union, FDP , SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, ÖDP, Tierschutz, Volt – no

AfD – yes

More state participation in school politics

SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, FDP , Volt – yes
R2G, Ampel

Union, AfD , ÖDP – no


Tempolimite on the Autobahns

Union, FDP , FW, AfD – no

SPD , Grüne , Tierschutzpartei, Volt – yes, 130 km/h

Linke , ÖDP – yes, 120 km/h

Exit from coal mining

Union, FDP , FW – by 2038

SPD – as soon as possible

Tierschutz, ÖDP, Volt, Linke , Grüne – by 2030

AfD – no exit

Switching to renewable energy sources

Union, FDP – yes, it doesn’t matter when

Linke, Grüne – by 2035

SPD , AfD – by 2040

Wind energy support should end?

AfD – yes

Union, SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, ÖDP, Tierschutz – no
R2G, GroKo, Kenia

FDP – in other form

Banning combustion engine cars by 2030

Union, FDP , FW, SPD (will fall off themselves, because they will become uncompetitive), AfD – no
GroKo, Deutschland

Grüne , Linke – yes

ÖDP – by 2025

Volt – by 2035

Conversion to ecological land use

Linke – through the organization of societies (Genossenschaft)

Union – through scientific research, targeted financial support

Grüne , SPD , Tierschutz – financial support

FDP , AfD – resusal of subsidies

Increase tax on СО2

Grüne , ÖDP, Tierschutz, Volt – yes

SPD , FW, AfD – no

Union – yes, but make electricity cheaper

FDP – interstate treaties

Linke – reduce social inequality first, otherwise the poor will become poorer

More taxes on flights

SPD , Linke , Grüne , FW, Volt, ÖDP – yes

Union, FDP , AfD – no

International block

The right to family reunification of migrants has been limited since 2015, is it right?

Union, FDP (only allow those who can maintain), FW – yes

AfD – not allow at all

SPD , Linke , Grüne , Volt, Tierschutz, ÖDP – take all family members

Investing 0.7 percent of income in the development of poor countries

Union, FDP, Grüne, SPD – save
Kiwi, Jamaika, Ampel

Linke – investing more

AfD – investing fewer

Should Nord Stream 2 be commissioned?

Union, SPD , FW, AfD – yes

FDP – not until the human rights situation improves

Linke , Grüne , ÖDP, Tierschutz, Volt – damaging the environment

Should Germany leave the European Union

Union, FDP , SPD , Linke , Grüne – no

AfD – yes

More spending on weapons

Union, FDP , SPD , FW, AfD – yes
GroKo, Deutschland

Linke , Grüne , ÖDP, Volt, Tierschutz – no

No contracts for infrastructure projects in Germany to the Chinese

SPD , Linke – disagree

Union – only if it harmssecurity

FDP , Grüne , FW, ÖDP, AfD – agree

Asylum is only guaranteed for political reasons

Union, FDP , SPD , AfD , FW – yes
GroKo, Deutschland

Linke , Grüne , Volt – extend guarantees

All political topics – #politics

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