Waste sorting in Germany. 1. Basic principles

Mülltrennung / Waste sorting in Germany

I have never met another country where waste is sorted with such exactness. No, plastic is also separated in France. Glass is collected even in Italy. But to sort even plastic bags by their size, glass by color, and packaging by type – this is only in Germany! However, I must say that not every Bürger acts by the rules. There are enough lazy people in any country.

In the first part about basic principles of waste sorting in Germany.

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What is Wichteln

Was ist Wichteln / What is Wichteln

“What are you going? Wichteln? What is Wichteln?” – This question often comes up in November, when foreign mothers receive the letter from school. It can also come from the kindergarden (rather unlikely), sports club or even from work.

What is it meant? Wichtel is a gnome who secretly does good. In the modern version, gifts for Christmas are supposed. The specialty of this way of giving gifts is secrecy or accident.

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Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

Who pays renovation cost in Germany? A rumor somehow reached me that tenants are no longer obliged to make repairs. What surprised me was that it would be too simple. The clause on apartment renovation at the entrance and / or exit and regular repairs during the lease term is included in all standard lease agreements.

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German school cone (Schultüte). How to make

Schultüte selbst basteln / How to make german school cone

In my opinion, self-made German school cone look better than purchased ones. But still, you need to spend reasonable time and reasonable money on creating a cone. Otherwise, just buy and not rack your brains. In the last week before the Einschulung, ready-made Schultüte are very inexpensive.

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