New rules for cancellation of contracts

Anti-consumer rules for canceling contracts have spoiled everyone’s nerves at least once in their lives. As soon as you accidentally light up your phone somewhere, aggressive advertisers of electric companies and insurance begin to call you.

Now I have learned not to pick up the phone if the Hamburg code is displayed, and if I do, I ask to call back later and immediately add the number to the black list.

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Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

Who pays renovation cost in Germany? A rumor somehow reached me that tenants are no longer obliged to make repairs. What surprised me was that it would be too simple. The clause on apartment renovation at the entrance and / or exit and regular repairs during the lease term is included in all standard lease agreements.

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Kündigungsfrist, or How not to postpone the moment of a happy parting

Competition and crisis are severe and make everyone get out as best they can and cut the sheep, that is, you and me.

When concluding any contract, always look under what conditions you can refuse it. Even if we are talking about some kind of promotion, like “ProbeBahnCard 25” or AmazonPrime for month, remember – free cheese often lies in a mousetrap. After all, they want to get you for a long time, and preferably forever. Do you want this?

Kündigungsfrist is what interests us in the contract. This is the period for which you must warn your landlord / bank / whoever provides you services that you no longer need it. This applies to various areas. Examples I came across:

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