Insurance for travelling in Germany

The following insurance for travelling are the most relevant in Germany: Haftpflichtversicherung (liability insurance) and Krankenversicherung, as well as travel cancellation and travel interruption insurance.

Those who rent a car on vacation are strongly advised to have the so-called Mallorca-Police liability insurance for rented cars. In addition, they offer other options: baggage insurance, accident insurance, which is more likely not needed.

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Pregnancy check up in Germany. Testing and monitoring

In this part we talk about pregnancy check up in Germany and typical problems with health. We will take the classic version: a gynecologist is monitoring the pregnancy. In theory, you can get a midwife before giving birth (see about midwives in the next part), but now this is rather unrealistic. There is also a non-standard option. The midwife works for the gynecologist and takes his patients alternately with him.

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Pregnancy in Germany. 1. Problems of getting pregnant

Often it is written about pregnancy in Germany in the style of all the great and seamlessly. I tried to gather a more complete picture from my experience and the experience of my friends.

There are plenty of difficulties. Because although pregnancy is not a disease but a condition of the body, some of these conditions are such that will give odds to many diseases.

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State health insurance in Germany (GKV). How payments are formed

Actually, at first I wanted to write only basic information about what insurance there are, but I found a lot of information that can be useful to everyone. Therefore, there will be a series of posts, and we will start with state health insurance in Germany – what it is and what it pays for. Let’s make a list similar to the list “All I can return” (from taxes) – alphabetically.

There are two types of health insurance in Germany: state (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV) and private (private Krankenversicherung, PKV). In any case, you must have one of them.

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Speech delay by children. Part 1. Norm and problems

Having behind my back many years of struggle for the speech of the my second child and only too late having finally received our not very happy diagnosis of dyspraxia in my hands, I can summarize a lot about speech delay in children in Germany.

In this thread: what is normal and what is not, when to sound the alarm, what may be the reasons, what to do, where to go, how to find a good speech therapist and what techniques are familiar to me.

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