New rules for cancellation of contracts

Last Updated on November 19, 2022

Anti-consumer rules for canceling contracts have spoiled everyone’s nerves at least once in their lives. As soon as you accidentally light up your phone somewhere, aggressive advertisers of electric companies and insurance begin to call you.

Now I have learned not to pick up the phone if the Hamburg code is displayed, and if I do, I ask to call back later and immediately add the number to the black list.

But even agreements that you entered into of your own wish can cause a lot of trouble and make you drag a disgusted Internet provider with you when you move, pay a fitness club, although you were there six months ago for the last time, etc. etc.

Gradually, all contracts began to be brought to the model of car insurance – a contract for a year. And once a year, you can happily change everything. Much the same has been done with health insurance. There are a couple of limitations, but in general, everything has become pretty simple too.

How to change health insurance

Now, finally, they got to the usual consumer contracts.

1.It is assumed that the contracts will be valid for 1 year. You can choose a longer contract yourself if you are offered a choice between an annual contract and a cheaper 2-year contract with a difference of no more than 25 percent.

2. If the company wants an automatic renewal for more than 3 months, it must provide an option to withdraw from the contract.

3. Kündigungsfrist should be reduced from three to one month.

4. On the Internet, the concluded contracts should be cancelled in the future just as easily on the Internet.

5. Advertising by phone is possible only with the agreement of the user. This agreement must be documented and documents must be provided upon request.

6. The conclusion of contracts by telephone for electricity or gas is now impossible.

The law must still be finally approved, but so far there are no obstacles in sight, so we can begin to rejoice.

All finance and consumer topics – #finance

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