Last Updated on November 27, 2023
Secondary school system in Saxony are one of the most conservative school systems in Germany and are similar in this sense to Bavaria, which is supported by good results at the general German level. But in recent years they are still trying to make it more flexible and give children a way out of the rigid sorting system.
Secondary schools in Schleswig Holstein
German Gymnasium. Grade 7
German Gymnasium school. Profile choice, marks and inclusion
Secondary schools in Bavaria
Rheinland Pfalz education system
Education system in Baden-Württemberg
Secondary school in Berlin – Brandenburg
4th grade. Gymnasium or Realschule?
Gymnasium. First year
Secondary school system in Saxony – schema

Types of certificates
Hauptschulabschluss – after 9th grade Oberschule or Gemeinschaftsschule. If good grades are received, then in the form Qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss
Realschulabschluss – after 10th grade Oberschule or Gemeinschaftsschule.
Fachhochschulreife – certificate for admission to institutes, but not universities
allgemeine Hochschulreife – certificate for admission to universities and equivalent institutions after the 12th grade of a gymnasium or Gemeinschaftsschule
Mandatory school attendance
A schoolchild is required to study until he reaches 18 years of age, while apprentices in production are required to study until the end of their training.
Secondary schools in Saxony – first stage
15 schools in the Sorbian region are bilingual and involve active learning of the Lower/Upper Sorbian language.
A school combining Hauptschule and Realschule. If a primary school is added to a school, the whole thing is called Oberschule+. This type of school prepares for the early acquisition of a profession and is aimed at children who prefer technical disciplines and working with their hands.
In grades 5-6, strong students are offered additional courses and a second language. After 6th grade, students receive a second recommendation. About 10 percent of children can transfer to gymnasiums based on this recommendation. It is also possible to transfer with good grades after Realschulabschluss to a gymnasium (grade 10) or a vocational gymnasium (grade 11).
After 7th grade, the student chooses between the Hauptschule and Realschule levels. From grades 7 to 9, you can choose subjects based on your interests (natural science and technology, art and culture, society and society, language and communications, health and sports, computer science and media or economics)
Oberschule certificates:
Hauptschulabschluss or Qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss – after 9. grade
Realschulabschluss – after 10. grade
Combined school – primary and all types of secondary schools. This is a new development in Saxony – such schools began to appear after 2020. According to the current state, if nothing has changed yet, there are two of them. Children are not expected to be grouped by level, but taught differently according to interests and level.
All types of certificates:
Hauptschulabschluss or Qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss – after 9. grade
Realschulabschluss – after 10. grade
allgemeine Hochschulreife – after 12. grade
In Saxony there is an 8-year gymnasium, with preparation for Abitur starting in the 10th grade. Grades 5 and 6 are considered indicative. Programs should be closer to Oberschule programs to allow for transfer.
From grade 5 the subjects Geschichte, Geographie, Biologie, Technik / Computer are added
from 6th grade physics and second language
from 7th grade computer science and chemistry
from 8th grade profile subjects
natural science
in media, politics or ecology
There are gymnasiums that focus on music and languages.
Some gymnasiums offer bilingual education (English, French, Polish or Czech).
In Meißen there is a boarding school for gifted children.
Allgemeine Hochschulreife
Second stage and vocational education
Dual education for those who got a place in production. You can choose from 250 specialties.
This is a vocational education school without production place. Duration of training – from 2 to 3 years.
Specialties offered in the following areas:
care (Pflege)
They take with Realschulabschluss
There are two options for these schools.
2-year Fachoberschule, which accepts Realschulabschluss
1-year Fachoberschule, which accepts Realschulabschluss and completed vocational education in the relevant areas
Fachoberschule offer training in the following areas:
agriculture, ecology, biotechnology
health and social
economics and management
You can receive Fachhochschulreife
Beruflichen Gymnasium
In these gymnasiums you can obtain an Abitur also after Oberschule.
agriculture, ecology and environment
biotechnology (genetic engineering, medicine, biotechnology in industry)
food and health
medicine, nursing, social professions
computer science and communications
technology (construction, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering)
Training lasts 1 year longer than in a gymnasium. They study German, English, a second language, history/social studies, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, religion/ethics, sports, economics/law. Other subjects are optional and according to the school profile.
In several vocational gymnasiums you can get a profession at the same time. This type of training is called DUBAS.
Allgemeine Hochschulreife
Secondary schools in Schleswig Holstein
German Gymnasium. Grade 7
German Gymnasium school. Profile choice, marks and inclusion
Secondary schools in Bavaria
Rheinland Pfalz education system
Education system in Baden-Württemberg
Secondary school in Berlin – Brandenburg
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