The new heating law in Germany (in the media Heizungsgesetz, also known in full as Gebäudeenergiegesetzes, or, according to the German habit of abbreviating, GEG) was adopted with great noise and bang. Now the dust has settled a little and we can see what was born as a result. I must say that the worst thing is for those who need to decide right now, next year. Everyone else can save money, watch how others accumulate experience in use, and hope for the German bureaucracy, which will repeatedly delay the deadline. However, there is a risk that while you wait, the government will cancel compensation for reinstalling the heating system. Energy experts are definitely benefiting from the situation: instead of a bakery, we have an energy office that has moved into the entire first floor, which has suddenly become cramped in the old premises.
rent an appartment
Germany apartments search. Decoding ads
Apartments search in Germany has some special feature: you must know special language of renting ads, you should have a good friends and for you it will be much simplier, if you have no family.
The best way to find a good apartment in Germany is to ask friends. Since most apartments with a good price-quality ratio do not reach the Internet.
But if there are no acquaintances, then you have to work hard.
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays
Who pays renovation cost in Germany? A rumor somehow reached me that tenants are no longer obliged to make repairs. What surprised me was that it would be too simple. The clause on apartment renovation at the entrance and / or exit and regular repairs during the lease term is included in all standard lease agreements.