State health insurance in Germany (GKV). How payments are formed

Actually, at first I wanted to write only basic information about what insurance there are, but I found a lot of information that can be useful to everyone. Therefore, there will be a series of posts, and we will start with state health insurance in Germany – what it is and what it pays for. Let’s make a list similar to the list “All I can return” (from taxes) – alphabetically.

There are two types of health insurance in Germany: state (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV) and private (private Krankenversicherung, PKV). In any case, you must have one of them.

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Lebensversicherung (life insurance)

Lebensversicherung is not a necessary insurance, but in some cases it makes a lot of sense. According to statistics in 2017, 15 percent of the deaths were under 65 years old.

This insurance is available in two versions: without saving money (Risikolebensversicherung) and with saving money (Kapitallebensversicherung).

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Germany apartments search. Decoding ads

Apartments search in Germany has some special feature: you must know special language of renting ads, you should have a good friends and for you it will be much simplier, if you have no family.

The best way to find a good apartment in Germany is to ask friends. Since most apartments with a good price-quality ratio do not reach the Internet.

But if there are no acquaintances, then you have to work hard.

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Waste sorting in Germany. 1. Basic principles

Mülltrennung / Waste sorting in Germany

I have never met another country where waste is sorted with such exactness. No, plastic is also separated in France. Glass is collected even in Italy. But to sort even plastic bags by their size, glass by color, and packaging by type – this is only in Germany! However, I must say that not every Bürger acts by the rules. There are enough lazy people in any country.

In the first part about basic principles of waste sorting in Germany.

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Benefits for families in Germany

In this post about benefits for families in Germany: Kindergeld, Kinderzuschlag, Elterngeld, Landeserziehungsgeld, Familiengeld, Baukindergeld. The latter is practically irrelevant. However, according to the plans of the government, and all the rest may not be relevant.

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