Diy Lanterns for Saint Martin feast. 2. Paper mache lanterns, lampion lantern, bags

DIY Laterne Saint Martin Lantern paper bag

In the first part, we looked at the possible lighting options and basic materials for diy lanterns. Now let’s see what typical forms and what techniques are used. I must say, that the imagination is inexhaustible and every year new variants for lanterns appear. I tried to collect most of the ones already invented.

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All about Saint Martin Lantern. 1. Materials

Saint Martin Lantern

This thread is all about Saint Martin lanterns for Saint Martin Festival. Let’s start with lighting and materials, then discuss the basic shapes of lanterns and some techniques.

Please note that most lanterns require not only lighting, but also a stick to carry it on. And there are more problems with a stick than with a candle.

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Primary school. School supplies in Germany

Over the five years of purchasing school lists I gathered some tips for school supplies in Germany.

General warning: teachers do not always know well what they want and how much their wishes are reflected on store shelves. Therefore, do not panic, be creative with the lists and do not be afraid to send your child to school with materials that do not quite match. The first class has everything stricter than others, but you have the opportunity to clarify at the first meeting, which takes place before the beginning of the year or immediately after the beginning of the year. The rest have at least a week to clarify, and even more.

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New rules for cancellation of contracts

Anti-consumer rules for canceling contracts have spoiled everyone’s nerves at least once in their lives. As soon as you accidentally light up your phone somewhere, aggressive advertisers of electric companies and insurance begin to call you.

Now I have learned not to pick up the phone if the Hamburg code is displayed, and if I do, I ask to call back later and immediately add the number to the black list.

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Stumbling blocks

They are called stumbling blocks – Stolpersteine. And this is really so: you suddenly notice them, raising your leg for the next step.

You stumble and stop to once again remember how often man is a wolf to man. About how easy calls to a strong power and shouts about a “special” path, “special” moral qualities or a “special” faith of their people turn into wars and atrocities – in past, present and, unfortunately, future, because not everyone is ready remember.

Stolpersteine / stumbling blocks

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Germany apartments search. Decoding ads

Apartments search in Germany has some special feature: you must know special language of renting ads, you should have a good friends and for you it will be much simplier, if you have no family.

The best way to find a good apartment in Germany is to ask friends. Since most apartments with a good price-quality ratio do not reach the Internet.

But if there are no acquaintances, then you have to work hard.

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