Test Leben in Deutschland (Orientierungstest) in English. 1. Constitution

Test Leben in Deutschland is one of the two basic tests for foreigners in Germany. Some time ago in Germany it was decided that people wishing to live in the country should have a certain minimum knowledge of the history and social structure of the country. The basis was the research that some of the people who want to obtain citizenship (and have received it) are not familiar with the Constitution (Grundgesetz) and / or do not accept it in the part that contradicts their Religion. This minimum knowledge was expressed in special courses (Orientierungskurs), which were added to the integration courses.

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Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

Who pays renovation cost in Germany? A rumor somehow reached me that tenants are no longer obliged to make repairs. What surprised me was that it would be too simple. The clause on apartment renovation at the entrance and / or exit and regular repairs during the lease term is included in all standard lease agreements.

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German school cone (Schultüte). How to make

Schultüte selbst basteln / How to make german school cone

In my opinion, self-made German school cone look better than purchased ones. But still, you need to spend reasonable time and reasonable money on creating a cone. Otherwise, just buy and not rack your brains. In the last week before the Einschulung, ready-made Schultüte are very inexpensive.

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Benefits for families in Germany

In this post about benefits for families in Germany: Kindergeld, Kinderzuschlag, Elterngeld, Landeserziehungsgeld, Familiengeld, Baukindergeld. The latter is practically irrelevant. However, according to the plans of the government, and all the rest may not be relevant.

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Kündigungsfrist, or How not to postpone the moment of a happy parting

Competition and crisis are severe and make everyone get out as best they can and cut the sheep, that is, you and me.

When concluding any contract, always look under what conditions you can refuse it. Even if we are talking about some kind of promotion, like “ProbeBahnCard 25” or AmazonPrime for month, remember – free cheese often lies in a mousetrap. After all, they want to get you for a long time, and preferably forever. Do you want this?

Kündigungsfrist is what interests us in the contract. This is the period for which you must warn your landlord / bank / whoever provides you services that you no longer need it. This applies to various areas. Examples I came across:

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Tax return in Germany. Elster online. Mantelbogen, or Hauptvordruck

So, we registered in Elster online, waited for the code from the Finanzamt (FA), received a digital certificate and saved it in a convenient place. We chose a full tax liability declaration (Einkommensteuererklärung unbeschränkte Steuerpflicht ESt 1a, i.e. for those who live in Germany) and go to main part of the declaration – Mantelbogen.

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