I decided to collect all the German B2 topics to discuss in one place. These could be tasks for written expression of opinion (Forumsbeitrag) in Goethe B2, oral discussions in Goethe B2 or Telc B2 Allgemein. Analysis of the topics shows that these are always some problematic themes taken from the news. That is, if you regularly look at the news, you can make a list of possible topics for yourself.
C1 level is indicated because some topics can be used in both places, there is no unambiguous assignment of certain topics to a certain level, you can simply complicate/simplify the task. C1 tends to cover a broader topic and to more “acute” problems.
The topic is in the process of being written. Last updated – 22.12.2024
German B2 level tests
We are starting to collect topics for the German B2 test. First, let’s see what requirements are set by the organizations that conduct these tests. Today, most people take Telc B2 + Beruf (after the courses paid for by Arbeitsamt), much less often Telc B2 Allgemein and Goethe B2. Each of the tests has its pros and cons.
The topic is being updated. (UPD 11.10)
German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrases
In this topic, the main phrases for discussion and statement (Erörterung, Äußerung) for German test B2 (Telc B2 Beruf, Telc B2 Allgemein, Goethe B2). All topics for B2 are in the process of being written and can be supplemented and changed. UPD 10.10
Tests for Gender and Plural in German
Exercises-tests to repeat the theory about gender, declension and plural in the German language. Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine genderPlural, declension, and gender in German. Masculine genderPlural, declension, and gender in German. Neuter gender All words in the tests were mentioned in the theoretical part. All tasks are based on choosing several correct … Read more
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Neuter gender
In the last part of the topic devoted to gender in the German language, we will consider the neuter gender.
Other parts:
1. Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine gender
2. Plural, declension, and gender in German. Masculine gender
4. Tests for Gender and Plural in German
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Masculine gender
Let’s continue studying plural, declension and gender in German. In this part, the masculine gender in singular and plural and n-Deklination.
1. Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine gender
3. Plural, declension, and gender in German. Neuter gender
Tests for Gender and Plural in German
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine gender
Usually, German learners are advised to memorize words along with articles. This is all great, but it doesn’t help people with a not very good memory, especially if you didn’t learn the language at school but in courses and had to learn it in a year to B1. The result is usually complete chaos in the vocabulary. Let’s try to put it in a more structured form. There are quite a few groups of words that you can divide into one gender or another based on their meaning or ending. In the first part, we will look at the simplest feminine gender.
From horror to anxiety: fürchten, Angst haben, erschrecken, bangen, entsetzen
In a series of words associated with fear, the question evokes, rather, not its direct meaning – an expression of fear, but rather a secondary one – an expression of concern and apprehension. Let’s go from the maximum expression of fear to the minimum.
Sentences with zu in German
Sentences with zu or German infinitive clauses with zu are very common and difficult to avoid, so the sooner you master them, the better. They either complement the meaning of the main verb or have a purpose meaning.
Exercises for the topic Sentences with zu
Here you will find exercises for the topic “Sentences with zu”. Don’t forget to first study the explanation itself here: Sentences with zu in German.