All b1 German speaking topics (DTZ, telc b1). Part 2

We continue our all b1 German speaking topics. In the first part we had numerous topics related to family life and everyday life. Now more compact topics dedicated to medicine, healthy lifestyle, sports, work, shopping, pensioners, etc.

Part 1. Oral part of the German B1 exam. Speaking topics

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Oral part of the German B1 exam. Speaking topics

The oral part of the German B1 exam DTZ included a description of the picture in German. Recently it has been changed to speaking topics based on a picture. Telc B1 also has speaking topics, but based on quotes. In this post we will look at what speaking topics have been offered in exams over the past ten years and list pictures that I have collected on the forums.

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German picture description phrases and sequence

Having dealt with letters examples and dialogue topics for b1 test, we move on to the next topic – German picture description phrases for DTZ. The picture description is called Bildbeschreibung. This task is used in the exam up to level B1, then something more substantial is usually used, like a diagram or graph.

Oral part of the German B1 exam. Speaking topics
All b1 German speaking topics (DTZ, telc b1). Part 2

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Dialogues b1 Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer. Event, trip, party, shopping

Dialogues are last part of Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer. First you speak about yourself, then you describe a picture and have to speak with your partner. In this part we take topics about different events, that you have to organize together. Tasks are taken from reviews of real exams shared in Internet.

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