We end our big review with diy silhouette lantern: red leaves and black figurines.
German wine classification system and wine regions
Since we live in a wine region, we had to explore German wine classification system. And German wines are not bad at all, if you make right choice.
In this post about different classifications (classic German wine classification + EU, taste, VDP), wine regions, popular sorts.
DIY lantern for Saint Martin feast. 4. “Drums” and “Houses”
“Drum” – the simplest and fastest form for diy lantern. The choice of motive is limited only by your desires and imagination. “Houses” are cubes or other prisms. Here you have to work more and plan more time, that is, this is an option for older children.
DIY polygonal lantern, cylinder lantern for Saint Martin festival
Next possible forms and techniques – polygonal lantern and cylinder lantern (“cheese package”).
Diy Lanterns for Saint Martin feast. 2. Paper mache lanterns, lampion lantern, bags
In the first part, we looked at the possible lighting options and basic materials for diy lanterns. Now let’s see what typical forms and what techniques are used. I must say, that the imagination is inexhaustible and every year new variants for lanterns appear. I tried to collect most of the ones already invented.
All about Saint Martin Lantern. 1. Materials
This thread is all about Saint Martin lanterns for Saint Martin Festival. Let’s start with lighting and materials, then discuss the basic shapes of lanterns and some techniques.
Please note that most lanterns require not only lighting, but also a stick to carry it on. And there are more problems with a stick than with a candle.
Farmer market in Germany and fruits and berries “free of charge”
Local products are in great demand, although it is not always easy to find them. In this post – where you can find farmer market in Germany and whether your can eat for free apples and Co on the way.

Broom on the house. What is Besen?
Riddle from the series “Do you know Germany well?”
What do the owners want to say if they hang a broom on the house?

Stumbling blocks
They are called stumbling blocks – Stolpersteine. And this is really so: you suddenly notice them, raising your leg for the next step.
You stumble and stop to once again remember how often man is a wolf to man. About how easy calls to a strong power and shouts about a “special” path, “special” moral qualities or a “special” faith of their people turn into wars and atrocities – in past, present and, unfortunately, future, because not everyone is ready remember.

Bascetta star instructions. 2. Assemble
I have made further Bascetta star instructions as detailed as possible, because this part is difficult and is very vague on the Internet-instructions.