Fishing in Germany

Last Updated on May 19, 2023

Fishing in Germany is not as easy as fishermen would like. Therefore, it took 10 years before my husband, who used to love to fish, finally got to the fish farm. He wasn´t delighted, but all other options in Germany come with significant difficulties and financial costs.

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Fishing in Germany – rules

You can’t fish in any reservoir in Germany. Actually, because of population density and two world wars almost nothing remained of the original fish stocks. The number of fish had to be restored. In some places they are still being restored. And this is not an easy task. After all, many rivers were also dammed. So that people do not interfere, access to water bodies is difficult as much as possible. So the fish will have time to breed, and violators will be easier to catch.

To get the right to fish, you need to take a course and pass an exam for “fishing license” (at least 100 euros) and pay every year for a permission to the federal state. With this license and permission, you can already fish. But first, you will have to pay again for access to the reservoir to the community to which it belongs.

Fishing in Germany without a license

The alternative is fish farms. But even here pleasure is rarely cheap. The fish will be cheaper in the store. The fish farm is paid for the opportunity to sit with a fishing rod.

We type in the search Angelpark or Angelparadies and the name of our area and find fish farms on Google maps.

Each farm has its own rules and its own set of farmed fish. Somewhere you have to pay per kilogram, somewhere per day. Most often they offer to catch trout, it is also the cheapest and is caught almost with bare hands or, for example, on corn. Also found are carp (Karpfen), sturgeon (Stör), tench (Schleie), zander (Zander) and pike (Hecht).

Please read the rules carefully before your trip.
How many fishing rods can you take,
how many hooks,
what other gear must you have?

Fish are required to be killed humanely: stunned in the head and bled.

On the farm, fish is processed, they can be smoked for an additional fee. And if you didn’t catch anything, you can buy an already caught one.

What it looks like in reality

Several ponds with different types of fish. Some fish are visible, there are many of them in clear water. Others are in murkier waters and are not visible.

Some peck almost on a bare hook from the first throw (Regenbogenforelle). Others are caught with a lure (Lachsforelle). Still others do not want to become dinner at all.

Most anglers fish for canned corn. Regenbogenforelle eats corn with pleasure, but other species of trout ignored it.

On Sunday there were too many people. The fishermen used to catch each other in a small pond every now and then. But the huge Lachsforelle, bending the rods into an arc, was also pulled out regularly.

Carps and sturgeons are not so easily hunted for corn. There were fishermen who knew how to catch these animals and left with the caught sturgeons. But the rest (and there were not many of them on the big carp pond) just sat hour after hour even without bites.

Caught fish is weighed. It was necessary to pay through the terminal so that the cashier does not stain banknotes with fish hands. Then the fish was driven through the apparatus that removes the scales, gutted and covered with ice. All service is included in the price.

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