Describe appearance of a person in German. Body and clothing

Last Updated on May 3, 2024

We continue to describe appearance of a person in German. In the first part, it was about the head, but the appearance is most often not exhausted by it. We turn to the length and width and other characteristics of the body and clothing.

Part 1 Describing people’s appearance in German (Personenbeschreibung)
Part 3 Description of a person’s appearance in German. 3. How to avoid repetition in essay
Giving direction essay in German. Wegbeschreibung
About myself in German – sich vorstellen
Separable verbs in German
Negation in German
SS or ß in German
Difference between beginnen and anfagen and starten
German idioms about talking

Describe appearance of a person – body

Height and figure in general (die Körpergröße, die Gestalt, der Körperbau)


Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Normal height, average (normal) figure, well built

Short, also broad-shouldered, also stocky, strong build

Skinny and stooped

Thick, strong, round, well-fed

Athletic, trained, strong and muscular

Describe appearance of a person in German

Graceful, beautiful, slim, elegant

Describe appearance of a person in German

Legs (das Bein, der Fuß)

Long and short, thin and thick

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Crooked and hairy

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Arms (die Hand, der Arm)

Strong – weak, thin

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Narrow, small, bony

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Describe clothing in German (die Kleidung)

Clothing can be too diverse, so only a basic list.

General characteristics: fashionable, elegant, clean, expensive, comfortable – cheap, used, poor, shabby, unwashed, unkempt, wrinkled, dirty, sloppy, washed out.

By length, warmth, width.

By appointment: sports, casual, working.

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

Color: in addition to standard colors and their combinations, also:




For the formation of such “pseudoparticiples”, see German. False participles.

Material (usually combined with clothing: Lederhose, Jeansjacke…)

Leder (leather)

strick (knit)

Leinen (linen)
Seide (silk)

Outer (warm) clothing

der Anzug,
das Kleid
die Jacke
der Parka
der Mantel
die Weste

Personenbeschreibung Describe appearance of a person in German

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Blouses and shirts

die Bluse,
das (Ober)hemd,
der Pullover,
das (Sweat)shirt

Pants, skirts

der Rock,
die kurze/lange Hose,
pl. Jeans
pl. Shorts

Details, accessories

die Krawatte (tie)

der Gürtel (belt)

die Handschuhe

der Schmuck (der Ring, die Kette, die Ohrringe)

Socks and underwear

der Strumpf (stocking)
die Socken,
die Strumpfhose,

das Unterhemd,
die Unterhose

Scarves and hats

das Schultertuch,
das Kopftuch,
das Halstuch,

der Schal (scarf)

die Mütze,
der Hut,
die Kapuze (hood)
die Kappe (cap)

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der Gummistiefel,
der Stiefel (boots)

die Sandale

Holzschuhe /Klumpen,

der Mokassin,

Schlappen (flops)



Schuhe mit hohen Absätzen (high heels)
der Pumps
Stöckelschuhe (high heels)

Next part – Description of a person’s appearance in German. 3. How to avoid repetition in essay

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