Once I met in an ad for the sale of used items a postscript about private warranty in large letters and with exclamation marks: “In accordance with EU law, every private seller must write that returns and replacements are not made and nothing is guaranteed.” Since I have not met with such a duty, I decided to investigate this issue.
Finance and bureaucracy
What is allowed to do if you have sick leave in Germany without to be fired
When my husband received sick leave not with a common cold and bed rest, the question immediately arose: “What, in fact, can and cannot be done during recovery so that the employer does not get indignant?”
How system kills blogging
On my sites you will see a nasty full page ad that requires you to agree to cookies. I know it got you. It got me too. But I have no other choice as the European data protection law is written in such a way that it requires you to actively, not passively, consent to cookies. That is, you must press the button yourself. In doing so, it requires:
– so that absolutely all cookies are registered. And this is statistics, newsletters, services from WordPress like contact forms, advertising statistics and even fonts, etc. etc.
– so that you can refuse both all together, and from each separately
– so you can change your mind
– so that all these services, except for those that completely destroy the site, are disabled until you agree.
Joint building ventury (Baugemeinschaft)
The joint building ventury Baugemeinschaft is a popular form of organizing the construction of apartment buildings in Germany.
Summer surprise. Real estate declaration in Germany
Germany apartments search. Decoding ads
New heating law in Germany
Homeowners association in Germany
Fighting condensation and mold in Germany
How to sort waste in Germany – what waste is going where
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays
State health insurance in Germany what is deductible – from A to L
95 percent of state health insurance services in Germany are defined by law, so all Krankenkassen are the same. These will be all services related to deteriorating health – visits to doctors, necessary surgeries and examinations.
There is no complete list of paid services.
What is covered by state health insurance in Germany. M-Y
We continue the list of medical services that will (or will not) be paid for by state health insurance in Germany – Krankenkasse (KK).
Part 1. GKV. How payments are formed
Part 2. GKV. Everything that I (not) will be paid from – A-L
Pregnancy in Germany. Part 3. Mutterpass and Hebamme
Pregnancy in Germany. Part 4. Giving birth, anestesia, stimulation
Asperger’s syndrome without outdated clichés. 1
Insurance for travelling in Germany
The following insurance for travelling are the most relevant in Germany: Haftpflichtversicherung (liability insurance) and Krankenversicherung, as well as travel cancellation and travel interruption insurance.
Those who rent a car on vacation are strongly advised to have the so-called Mallorca-Police liability insurance for rented cars. In addition, they offer other options: baggage insurance, accident insurance, which is more likely not needed.
New rules for cancellation of contracts
Anti-consumer rules for canceling contracts have spoiled everyone’s nerves at least once in their lives. As soon as you accidentally light up your phone somewhere, aggressive advertisers of electric companies and insurance begin to call you.
Now I have learned not to pick up the phone if the Hamburg code is displayed, and if I do, I ask to call back later and immediately add the number to the black list.
State health insurance in Germany (GKV). How payments are formed
Actually, at first I wanted to write only basic information about what insurance there are, but I found a lot of information that can be useful to everyone. Therefore, there will be a series of posts, and we will start with state health insurance in Germany – what it is and what it pays for. Let’s make a list similar to the list “All I can return” (from taxes) – alphabetically.
There are two types of health insurance in Germany: state (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV) and private (private Krankenversicherung, PKV). In any case, you must have one of them.
Lebensversicherung (life insurance)
Lebensversicherung is not a necessary insurance, but in some cases it makes a lot of sense. According to statistics in 2017, 15 percent of the deaths were under 65 years old.
This insurance is available in two versions: without saving money (Risikolebensversicherung) and with saving money (Kapitallebensversicherung).