We continue to study the changes in Germany 2024. The previous post was rather sad – there they take our money and demand new demands. Let’s see if there will be any compensation in the financial, insurance, taxes and benefits.
Child with speech delay – where you can find help. Speech therapist in Germany
So, you were able to convince the pediatrician that your child needs help. In this topic, more about speech therapists in Germany, how to find them, what methods they use, and what other specialists will help you. Read more about speech delay in parts 1-3.
Asperger autism symptoms by age. Aspies in Germany
The first two parts were mainly information about the features of Asperger’s syndrome. Now let’s move on to practical advice: what Asperger autism symptoms can be distinguished, what to do with it and what about Aspies in Germany.
How to change health insurance in Germany
We have already found out how the contributions to the state health insurance are formed, who is obliged to have it, and what exactly of the medical services we are paid for, and for which we will have to pay extra. Now let’s find out how to change health insurance in Germany if another insurance promises a lot of free additional services or if the old one does not suit us with its service.
Asperger Syndrome empathy, speech and emotions
We continue to talk about autistic spektrum (Asperger’s syndrome) without the usual clichés. This part is about asperger syndrome empathy, emotions, intelligence and speech. We speak also about Aspie girls – girls adapt better to the social environment, so they are less noticeable and less often diagnosed.

Prescription in Germany. Red, blue, green prescriptions – when you must pay
What does red prescription in Germany mean? How much do you need to pay extra for medicines and other medical services? What a green prescription is? How to find a medicine in Germany? These questions we answer in this post.
From 2022, the prescription in Germany is issued in electronic form. At least theoretically, there is such a possibility. Whether there is practically this possibility in praxis – one must ask. It will useful in Internet-pharmacies.
Giving birth in Germany
Finally we got to the decisive stage of pregnancy – giving birth in Germany. This part is about what things to take with you to hospital, about the labor induction in Germany, pain relief and anesthesia for giving birth and time in the hospital after giving birth.
Part 1 Pregnancy in Germany. 1. Problems before pregnancy
Part 2 Pregnancy check up in Germany. Testing and monitoring
Part 3 Pregnancy in Germany. 3. What is hebamme, how to find her and what is Mutterpass
Pregnancy in Germany. 3. What is hebamme, how to find her and what is Mutterpass
We continue the topic of pregnancy and childbirth. Now: What is hebamme and what is Mutterpass, what is written in Mutterpass. We will learn how to get a midwife and why you need one at all, and decide where to give birth.
In the first part there was infertility and miscarriage, in the second part – mandatory and additional tests, illnesses and inconveniences accompanying pregnancy.
State health insurance in Germany what is deductible – from A to L
95 percent of state health insurance services in Germany are defined by law, so all Krankenkassen are the same. These will be all services related to deteriorating health – visits to doctors, necessary surgeries and examinations.
There is no complete list of paid services.
What is covered by state health insurance in Germany. M-Y
We continue the list of medical services that will (or will not) be paid for by state health insurance in Germany – Krankenkasse (KK).
Part 1. GKV. How payments are formed
Part 2. GKV. Everything that I (not) will be paid from – A-L
Pregnancy in Germany. Part 3. Mutterpass and Hebamme
Pregnancy in Germany. Part 4. Giving birth, anestesia, stimulation
Asperger’s syndrome without outdated clichés. 1