Carnival in Germany

carnival in Germany / Karneval in Deutschland Fasching

Carnival in Germany – Faschingsumzug or Fastnachtsumzug – a favorite entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. Carnivals are not held in all German cities, usually larger or tourist ones in western and southwestern Germany.

The largest (most visited) are carnivals in Cologne, Dusseldorf, Mainz.

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Gymnasium in Germany. First year

Of course, a covid year can hardly be called normal learning, so it is rather difficult to objectively assess grade 5 in the Gymnasium in Germany.

My comments concern a boy with normal grades (official tested as above average). That is, we project onto weaker children for the worse. By the end of the post, you will understand why most children need a private tutor.

So far, the diagnosis is as follows:

Deeply outdated education from 19th. century, with a mass of unnecessary information, based on the message “learn by heart” rather than “think”, which they are afraid to reform like a sacred cow, for some reason assuming that the gymnasium gives a good education, and if they touch it, then everything will fall apart.

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Secondary school in Berlin – Brandenburg

What secondary school is it better to choose in Berlin-Brandenburg? In this post about education system in Berlin and Brandenburg federal states

The rules are different in these federal states, but since a significant number of the Brandenburg population is concentrated around Berlin, we will consider them together. Attending a school in another federal state is possible subject to availability (the rules are hier).

For more transparency the states have different color. The brighter the color, the higher the education

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Giving direction essay in German. Wegbeschreibung

Giving direction essay in German (Wegbeschreibung) pops up in the school several times in different grades and at different levels. Not all teachers decide to write this essay, some take it verbally. And in VERA in grade 3, too, there was a similar task.

The training method is very simple: we open a map of the area, a city plan (for example tourist plan from tourist office) and ask to give direction from and to.

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How system kills blogging

On my sites you will see a nasty full page ad that requires you to agree to cookies. I know it got you. It got me too. But I have no other choice as the European data protection law is written in such a way that it requires you to actively, not passively, consent to cookies. That is, you must press the button yourself. In doing so, it requires:

– so that absolutely all cookies are registered. And this is statistics, newsletters, services from WordPress like contact forms, advertising statistics and even fonts, etc. etc.

– so that you can refuse both all together, and from each separately

– so you can change your mind

– so that all these services, except for those that completely destroy the site, are disabled until you agree.

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German festivals in December – January

Drei Könige Feste in Deutschland im Dezember Advent / Festivals in Germany in December christmas

​​Christmas in Europe is a special time. A Christmas market, trees and decorations, Christmas carols … But all this you find not on Christmas itself, but earlier – on Advent. From December 23 to January 27, Europe is not the best place to visit: just before Christmas, everyone completely empties the store shelves and lies at the bottom: long weekends, no one works, except gas station, Donners and a few restaurants. The interval between Christmas and New Year and after the New Year is the time of sales of old clothing collections. And immediately after January 6, the holidays are completely over: the lights and the trees are removed.

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Joint building ventury (Baugemeinschaft)

The joint building ventury Baugemeinschaft is a popular form of organizing the construction of apartment buildings in Germany.

Summer surprise. Real estate declaration in Germany
Germany apartments search. Decoding ads
New heating law in Germany
Homeowners association in Germany
Fighting condensation and mold in Germany
How to sort waste in Germany – what waste is going where
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

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