In a series of words associated with fear, the question evokes, rather, not its direct meaning – an expression of fear, but rather a secondary one – an expression of concern and apprehension. Let’s go from the maximum expression of fear to the minimum.
Reach an agreement: vereinbaren vs verabreden, ausmachen etc.
Today we’ll talk about agreements, these will be verbs vereinbaren vs verabreben, ausmachen (abmachen), absprechen vs einigen sich, übereinkommen and nouns Vereinbarung, Verabredung, Abmachung.
Fahrstuhl or Aufzug or Lift
The German dictionary consists of 33 volumes and about 320 thousand words. It took more than a hundred years to compile it, and another 60 years to process it. And this is not surprising, because they have several words for many things. Take for example “lift”: Fahrstuhl or Aufzug or Lift or Paternoster.
Blume vs Blüte
In German, the difference between Blume vs Blüte is somewhat more complicated than the difference between tulip flowers and apple blossoms.
What is the difference besides the presence and absence of an umlaut?
Difference between enden and beenden, abschließen, aufhören
We’ve already dealt with the beginning, now the end in turn. We will look for the difference between enden and beenden, aufhören, abschließen.
Difference between beginnen and anfagen and starten
beginnen and anfangen are considered to be almost complete synonyms. But there is also a slight difference. To these two, let’s add the very limited use of starten.
Use: difference between benutzen and verwenden, nutzen, gebrauchen, anwenden
The difference between benutzen and verwenden is even smaller than between benutzen and nutzen, and when gebrauchen is added here, and nützen is suddenly remembered, it will seem difficult to keep in mind all the small differences. Let’s try to go from the inner form.
Difference between schlimm and schlecht
There is little difference between schlimm and schlecht. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been corrected from schlimm to schlecht. The words are very similar. To this pair we add the words böse, arg, übel.
Difference between merken and bemerken and other words for memory and notice
The difference between merken and bemerken is at the formal level, in shades of meaning and in other meanings of these words. Additionally, let’s take the words wahrnehmen, erkennen, sich erinnern, einprägen, memorieren.
As you can easily guess, the root of the word comes from Marke – a mark. Hence all the meanings: made a mark – remembered, made a mark – noticed, made a mark (verbal) – that is, made a remark.
Difference between ändern and verändern, verwandeln, wechseln and tauschen
This topic is about the difference between ändern and verändern, verwandeln, wechseln and tauschen. You can change slightly and completely, in a positive or negative sense, externally or internally.