The topic “court (Judikative)” is small in the Leben in Deutschland test. All the information focuses on two questions: what courts are there and who are the Schöffen.
Leben in Deutschland Test. History. After the war – FRG und GDR
Now we look what questions about history of Germany after Second World war – GDR and FRG – has Leben in Deutschland test. The first part was devoted to the period before the war and during the war.
Test Leben in Deutschland (Orientierungstest). History
The Test Leben in Deutschland only takes the history of the 20th century, starting with the coming to power of the National Socialists, mainly the problems of nazism, the results of World War II, the division and reunification of Germany. I think most of us remember this topic quite well from school education, so the a few tips that you need to know for the test.
But there are a lot of questions to this thema, therefore I divide it in two parts: before / during WW II and after the war.
Orientierungstest. 4. Economy and social protection
This field of questions in Leben in Deutschland test (Orientierungstest, Einbürgerungstest) covers mainly some workers’ rights and social insurance.
Leben in Deutschland test. 3. Political system and elections
We continue to study basic knowledge of German politics and laws for Leben in Deutschland test. This part covers a lot of information about the structure of power and elections, so I divided it into 2 entries.
Test Leben in Deutschland. 2. State structure, state symbols
We continue to deal with test Leben in Deutschland questions and answers. In this part about state structure and state symbols – federal states, state power, flag, coat of arms and anthem.
Test Leben in Deutschland (Orientierungstest) in English. 1. Constitution
Test Leben in Deutschland is one of the two basic tests for foreigners in Germany. Some time ago in Germany it was decided that people wishing to live in the country should have a certain minimum knowledge of the history and social structure of the country. The basis was the research that some of the people who want to obtain citizenship (and have received it) are not familiar with the Constitution (Grundgesetz) and / or do not accept it in the part that contradicts their Religion. This minimum knowledge was expressed in special courses (Orientierungskurs), which were added to the integration courses.