Last Updated on May 21, 2024
As usual, municipal elections and European parliamentary elections in Germany are held jointly. I don’t know what the level of participation will be, but the level of advertising for these elections is very high: literally every pillar is covered with posters. In this topic, we will sort out all small and big parties, study the unusual principle of communal voting and find out who votes for what. You may be surprised and learn something new about your favorite political party, and adjust your preferences not only for the European level.
New heating law in Germany
Changes in Germany 2024. Finance, tax, insurance
What’s new in Germany in 2024. Mobility, energy, ecology, consumption
Who can apply for German citizenship
Leben in Deutschland test. 7. Germany and Europe. Migrants
Leben in Deutschland test. 6. Judicial branch
Leben in Deutschland test. 3-2. Parties in Germany, communal level
Leben in Deutschland test. 3. Political system and elections
Table of Contents
Principle of voting in communal and European parliamentary elections in Germany
European parliamentary elections
European elections take place in a standard way: you have a list of parties – you have one vote for one of them.
A sample voting sheet can be viewed here: In the list of federal states you can download the full version.
Communal elections in Germany
Communal elections are more original.
Gemeinde councils, city councils, district councils, regional councils of large cities are elected. All these types of settlements are communes, hence the name communal elections.
Let me remind you that municipal councils deal with roads, schools and kindergardens, sewerage, landscaping, and sports grounds. Thus, this is the most important election to every resident, the result you will feel in very concrete changes in the city.
About a week before the election, you will receive your voting forms in the mail. This is done so that you can calmly think about your choice. What is logical is that here you choose concrete people, there are quite a lot of them.
You can mail the sheets, or drop them off at Town Hall, or drop them off on Election Day. If you filled out the sheet incorrectly or lost it, you may receive another sheet on Election Day.
You vote in the following, rather sophisticated way:
1. You receive sheets with lists of different parties or associations. If you want to see them now, before they are sent to you, search for your city and “Kommunalwahl 2024 Musterstimmzettel”. This is what our sheets look like. Ominous, isn’t it?

2. On the first sheet it is written what maximum votes you can give in total and for individual districts of the commune.
3. The next are sheets with Wahlvorschlag. Here’s attention. You can:
- give one sheet with one party or accociation without marking anything on it. This will mean that you have given one vote to each candidate on this sheet.
Not all parties have fully completed lists, especially in small communes, so one sheet may not be enough. If you are handing in multiple sheets, you must mark candidates.
- give some candidates from one to three votes, both on the same sheet or on different ones. But the total should be as many votes as can be given in this district of the city.
Parties taking part in European parliamentary elections
Program questions
Let’s start with the main election topics so that we can only mention them briefly later. Within topics, issues can have very different weights, but it often happens that one party votes for them as a set in the same way.
Green parties, with rare exceptions, are also left-wing to varying degrees, but do not take into account the cost of their decisions to ordinary members of society. Right-wing parties can support certain green themes, advocate limiting migration, do not support social issues and tend to hide within national borders.
Therefore, it is important to look at what goes with your favorite topic. You can use the website to select a party, however, make sure that the party chosen by the website not only agrees with you on some issues, but also does not contradict your principles on those issues in which you do not agree with it. In other words, read the entire program.
I combined the topics into groups. Some are more complex and I have deliberately simplified them to make it easier to understand the chaos.
Environmental topics:
– ban internal combustion engines after 2035
– increase the number of environmental protection zones
– catch less fish
– do not impose a customs duty on Chinese electric cars
– limit the cultivation of genetically modified plants
– do not give nuclear energy climate-neutral status
– tax on kerosene for aircraft
– do not allow hunting of wolves in areas where their numbers are not under threat
– do not give up on the goals of becoming climate-neutral
– enterprises must pay more for CO2
– mandatory solar panels for new buildings
Social themes. Left-wing:
– establish a minimum social benefit
– organize European rescue in the Mediterranean Sea
– more money for Erasmus scholarship students
– simplify the entry of foreign specialists
Right-wing theme. Protection from emigrants:
– constant control at the borders. At this point, some parties who are generally in favor of restricting migration vote against it because they agree to temporary controls rather than permanent ones
– do not make it easier for specialists to enter
– do not organize European rescue in the Mediterranean Sea
– limit foreign investments in critical infrastructure
– refugees must submit applications outside the EU and wait there for a decision
Reducing the role of the EU, state and control:
– allow social networks to decide for themselves what to do with disinformation (freedom of speech)
– allow the free use of copyrighted works (music, art, literature) for non-commercial purposes
– national currency instead of the euro in Germany
– do not give more rights to Europol
The role of the European Parliament, strong European integration:
– introduction of European taxes
– more money for multilingual radio to enhance cultural exchange
– more rights for Europol
– foreign policy decisions are made by majority vote rather than unanimously
– continue to invest common money in defense
– The European Parliament continues to play a central role
– refusal to introduce direct election of the President of the European Commission
– refusal to introduce a referendum for the admission of new countries to the EU
– do not give money to countries that do not respect European values
Sanctions and weapons:
– lift sanctions from Russia
– more weapons for Ukraine
– Ukraine – a member of the EU
Feminism and gender:
– fix the mandatory distribution of quotas by gender among deputies
– ensure a uniform right to abortion without penalties in the EU
– introduce the ground “violence against women” for granting asylum
– recommend that countries introduce a third gender in passports
Thematic and small parties
Now let’s list the small and thematic parties. Just don’t forget that if they find themselves in parliament, they will somehow vote on other issues, not only their theme. For example, when choosing an environmental party, be prepared to also receive European taxes. I tried to group them by topic.
Two parties cannot be included anywhere, since they are parties that use elections to attract attention to themselves, not for real politic.
Party for brain renewal – ParteiPartei für schulmedizinische Verjüngungsforschung
Advocates for funding medical research on aging. They skip all the basic questions.
Die Partei
Satirical party. Answers to key questions echo green-left politics, but explanations for the answers are played out satirically.
Environmental focus
Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz
In addition to the obvious goal of protecting animals, the party predictably votes for all other environmental, gender and left-wing initiatives, strengthening European integration and against limiting migration. In addition, they want to remove copyright for non-commercial use. The difference with Grüne is minimal (in matters of customs duty on the Chinese electrocars and the direct election of the President of the European Commission).
Aktion Partei für Tierschutz – Tierschutz hier!
The exception is in the Green camp. Another animal protection party, however, which has significant differences with other greens.
First, they want to keep internal combustion engines, give up climate targets, and not introduce mandatory solar panels.
They are also more likely to take a right-wing position on social issues, as well as on migration issues.
Against more weapons to Ukraine, for lifting sanctions.
Vegan Party – V-Partei³ Partei für Veränderung, Vegetarier und Veganer
Environmental and left-wing themes are all supported. Strengthening European integration and freedom of migration, too, except for Euro taxes.
Foreign policy topics: no more weapons to Ukraine, maintain sanctions on Russia.
Parlament aufmischen – Stimme der Letzten Generation
A fresh party of radical eco-movement street gluers and art spoilers. Of course, a positive answer to all environmental issues, leftist agenda, equality, free migration.
Foreign policy themes and economic issues are neutral.
Klimaliste Deutschland
Almost the twin brother of Grüne, with minor differences on the issue of money for defence (against), more weapon for Ukraine (abstained) and fixed women’s quotas (against).
In general, they are in favor of lowering the temperature on the planet.
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei – Die Naturschutzpartei (ÖDP)
A very ecological and very leftist party, advocating a simple life on earth, with minimal needs, public transport, expression of the people’s will.
Social focus (left-wing and center)
Partei der Humanisten (PdH)
The party does not adhere to any consistent right or left line, but rather has a social orientation (social benefits, feminist issues, free migration).
For euro tax.
Against green projects that affect the interests of many people (solar panels, internal combustion engines, nuclear power plants, climate control systems).
But for some local green solutions (fishing restrictions, environmental protection zones).
Party for family – Familien Partei
The Party for the Family is more of a centrist party.
The most clearly visible desire is to limit the financial costs of families, to strengthen the role of women (but not in everything; they are neutral in abortion, which is, after all, against the traditional idea of the family).
On foreign policy issues and refugee issues, the party is neutral or in the right sector (ban).
It answers environmental questions differently.
Progress Party – Partei des Fortschritts, PdF
The party stands for direct democracy – more referendums.
Apart from all the issues related to direct elections and direct voting, this party supports most of the left and green issues, but believes that foreigners should apply for asylum at the EU border.
Democratic Alliance for Diversity – Demokratische Allianz für Vielfalt und Aufbruch (DAVA)
A fresh party created mainly by emigrants and trying to create a positive image of Islam.
In the responses, the party demonstrates a mixture of different directions.
Against aid to Ukraine, but in general for free migration.
For women’s quotas and abortions.
In general, they are for eco-themes, but against mandatory solar panels.
Union for Innovation and Equality – Bündnis für Innovation & Gerechtigkeit (BIG)
Multiculture, voting rights for all migrants, equality of religions.
Although it doesn’t suggest anything from the name, it is a very green party, supporting all green issues, all left-wing policies and freedom of migration.
What distinguishes the party from Grüne is mainly its attitude towards weapons: they are against it. Accordingly, they are against weapon for Ukraine and in favor of lifting sanctions.
This party advertises itself very aggressively in various elections. Advocates for a deeply integrated Europe, green economy, education and digitalization.
Supports all environmental issues, social policy, free migration. Responds positively to all equality topics.
For supporting Ukraine.
Almost completely in line with Grüne policy, except for the tax on Chinese electric cars.
MERA25 – Gemeinsam für Europäische Unabhängigkeit
For a deeply integrated EU.
Supports all green themes and free migration.
Against weapon.
From a party with one theme – for the rejection of copyrights and no restrictions on the Internet – the party transformed into a left-wing environmental party.
Opposes on all issues that imply restrictions (for free migration, for direct elections, responds positively on women’s issues). But against Euro taxes, against more rights for Europol, against women’s quotas).
In favor on most environmental issues.
For supporting Ukraine.
Human world, for the happiness of all – Menschliche Welt – für das Wohl und Glücklichsein aller
Peace, organic farming, equality.
In general, a left-wing party that supports social policies (social benefits, equal rights for women).
Against supporting Ukraine, against investing in weapons.
Only eco farming is supported; other environmental issues are not.
Freedom of speech, but preservation of copyright.
Restriction of migration (submission of applications at the border).
Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (MLPD)
Marxist-Leninist extreme left party.
Socialist Equality Party, Fourth International – Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, Vierte Internationale (SGP)
Extreme left Marxist party.
Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP)
German Communist Party.
Right-wing parties
Party of Reason – Partei der Vernunft (PdV)
Party of minimal government intervention. This party is chosen at school as the one closest to them by 15-year-olds.
Against the green agenda, against the leftist agenda.
Against deeper EU integration (national currency, no taxes)
Against supporting Ukraine, for refusal of sanctions.
Party for a Liberal Economy.
Against green agenda. Against leftist politics.
Rather, they are against supporting Ukraine or are abstaining.
Restriction of refugee migration, but relief for foreign specialists.
For freedom of speech (disinformation).
Basisdemokratische Partei Deutschland (DieBasis)
Party of anti-vaxxers / anti-maskers / anti-G5. They advocate people solutions on a larger number of issues.
Predictably against Euro taxes, rescue on Mediterranean waters, third gender in the passport, more rights Europol, copyright, supporting Ukraine.
For disinformation, the national German currency and the lifting of sanctions.
Generally against green policies, but in favor of supporting eco-farmers and increasing environmental protection zones.
Aktion Bürger für Gerechtigkeit (ABG)
A party that does not believe in human-caused climate change, but believes in alternative medical methods. They demand a system of referendums, like in Switzerland, exit from the EU and German citizenship only for Germans by blood.
Bündnis C – Christen für Deutschland
Christian Party. Living according to biblical principles, traditional family, no abortions.
Against the green agenda. Against a strong EU and deep integration.
For limiting migration and national currency.
For supporting Ukraine.
Die Heimat
An extreme right party created from the NDP.
Parties represented in the German parliament
From left-wing to right-wing.
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Die Linke
For euro tax
For all green agenda
Free use of authors’ works for private purposes
For free migration
For social minimum
For all topics on equality and women’s rights
Against weapons to Ukraine and its membership in the EU, but also against the lifting of sanctions.
For euro taxes.
Plus on all green topics, weapons and EU membership for Ukraine.
Free migration. People’s vote on new members of the EU.
Limiting disinformation
For all topics on equality and women’s rights (third gender, abortion, women’s quotas)
Issues of foreign policy, more rights for Europol and a people’s vote for new EU members are the only differences between Linke and Grüne.
For all social issues, for free migration, but also for migrants waiting for a decision on their asylum request outside the EU.
Partially against green agenda (against solar panels and priority support for ecological farming, for increasing customs duties on electric Chinese)
Against euro taxes
Limiting disinformation
For free use of copyright materials for personal purposes.
Weapons and EU membership for Ukraine.
Freie Wähler
This is an alliance of different groups of candidates. They are not represented in the Bundestag, but are widely represented in local elections.
Partially against green themes (for keeping internal combustion engines and against mandatory solar panels)
Against women’s quotas, for the third gender, for abortion
Against the social minimum
Migrants await asylum decision at EU border
For euro taxes
For European Mediterranean Rescue
For Ukraine’s membership in the EU and more weapons
For strengthening Europol
Higher customs duty on Chinese electrocars
Against constant control at internal borders
Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – BSW
Fresh from Linke, Sarah Wagenknecht party is a slightly left-wing, feminist version of CDU.
Against euro taxes.
Against the green agenda.
Against weapons and EU membership for Ukraine.
Against restrictions on freedom of speech (disinformation).
For mandatory women’s quotas, social benefits, but also restrictions on migration.
Moving to the right center
Against green agenda (but for maintaining climate goals)
Against women’s quotas, against the third gender, against abortion
Against the social minimum
For migrants waiting for a decision on asylum at the EU border, against Earopean Mediterranean rescue
Against euro taxes
For Ukraine’s membership in the EU and weapons
For strengthening Europol
Higher customs duty on Chinese electrocars
For constant control at internal borders
FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei)
Against Euro taxes, against the tax on Chinese electric cars
Against the all green themes.
Against the establishment of a social minimum
For water rescues, the migration of foreign specialists, but also for waiting for a response to an asylum request at the EU border
For the third gender and abortion, but against women’s quotas.
For more rights to Europol, against money for multilingual radio.
Limiting disinformation.
For weapons to Ukraine and membership in the EU
Against green themes
Against women’s quotas, third gender, rights for abortions
Against the social minimum
Migrants waiting for asylum decision at EU border,
against European Mediterranean Rescue
Against Euro taxes
Against Ukraine’s EU membership and weapons
For national currency
Foreign policy decisions must be made unanimously
Against the strengthening of Europol
For disinformation (freedom of speech)
For constant control at internal borders
New heating law in Germany
Changes in Germany 2024. Finance, tax, insurance
What’s new in Germany in 2024. Mobility, energy, ecology, consumption
Who can apply for German citizenship
Leben in Deutschland test. 7. Germany and Europe. Migrants
Leben in Deutschland test. 6. Judicial branch
Leben in Deutschland test. 3-2. Parties in Germany, communal level
Leben in Deutschland test. 3. Political system and elections
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