German tax return Elster. Anlage Sonderausgaben

German tax return Anlage Sonderausgaben Steuererklärung

“Special expenses” (Sonderausgaben) used to be in the Mantelbogen of the German tax declaration. Now they have been taken out in a separate application Anlage Sonderausgaben. Lines are in a different order now.
Application content: chirch tax, donations, expenses for first education, maintenance of other persons.

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Home office tax deduction in german tax return

Wolf, goats and cabbage – an old task in a new way. How do you combine a fully online high school kid, a part-time elementary school child, a dad in a home office who needs complete silence and not run around rooms, and an 11-month-old baby running around – in three rooms?

Fortunately, the hard work for solution of this difficult logistics challenge will be rewarded. The government allowed to write off days in bedlam home office at 5 euros per day.

More details about how to deduct home office expenses from taxes.

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Elster online. 6. Household works deduction – Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen (35a)

household work deduction tax return Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen ausfüllen Steuererklärung

The landlord or management company have finally bothered to send you an annual calculation? So you can go to the household works deduction in german tax return.

Household works have now a separate Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen (35a). It moved here in 2020 from the main part (formerly lines 71-78 Hauptvordruck).

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Waste sorting in Germany. 1. Basic principles

Mülltrennung / Waste sorting in Germany

I have never met another country where waste is sorted with such exactness. No, plastic is also separated in France. Glass is collected even in Italy. But to sort even plastic bags by their size, glass by color, and packaging by type – this is only in Germany! However, I must say that not every Bürger acts by the rules. There are enough lazy people in any country.

In the first part about basic principles of waste sorting in Germany.

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Leben in Deutschland test. 7. Germany and Europe. Migrants

Leben in Deutschland test (Orientierungstest, Einburgerungstest) has several questions about the relationship between Germany and other countries (mostly Europe). There are also a few questions about migrants, but more from a historical perspective.

Note: This post does not include the changes that will occur with the UK’s exit from the EU.

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