Gymnasium in Germany. First year

Of course, a covid year can hardly be called normal learning, so it is rather difficult to objectively assess grade 5 in the Gymnasium in Germany.

My comments concern a boy with normal grades (official tested as above average). That is, we project onto weaker children for the worse. By the end of the post, you will understand why most children need a private tutor.

So far, the diagnosis is as follows:

Deeply outdated education from 19th. century, with a mass of unnecessary information, based on the message “learn by heart” rather than “think”, which they are afraid to reform like a sacred cow, for some reason assuming that the gymnasium gives a good education, and if they touch it, then everything will fall apart.

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German festivals in December – January

Drei Könige Feste in Deutschland im Dezember Advent / Festivals in Germany in December christmas

​​Christmas in Europe is a special time. A Christmas market, trees and decorations, Christmas carols … But all this you find not on Christmas itself, but earlier – on Advent. From December 23 to January 27, Europe is not the best place to visit: just before Christmas, everyone completely empties the store shelves and lies at the bottom: long weekends, no one works, except gas station, Donners and a few restaurants. The interval between Christmas and New Year and after the New Year is the time of sales of old clothing collections. And immediately after January 6, the holidays are completely over: the lights and the trees are removed.

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Saint Martin Festival Germany. Songs

Saint Martin Festival Germany

The main children’s autumn holiday is on the way – Saint Martin Festival in Germany. Processions with lanterns are timed to this holiday.

The memory of Saint Martin is celebrated on November 11th. But processions in his honor usually take place after All Saints’ Day, that is, after November 1, and small processions of one kindergarden or urban area can be scheduled for any day of the last week of October.

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German wine classification system and wine regions

german wine classification / Klassifikation deutscher weine

Since we live in a wine region, we had to explore German wine classification system. And German wines are not bad at all, if you make right choice.

In this post about different classifications (classic German wine classification + EU, taste, VDP), wine regions, popular sorts.

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Election in Germany 2021. Questions and answers

Let’s look how the parties answer the important questions of election in Germany 2021.

Once again, I note that the websites will help you understand what questions is discussed, but do not trust them too much. One simple example: the question “Family reunification of migrants has been limited since 2015, is this correct” gives two answers – yes and no. However, “no” actually implies two completely opposite answers: “no, we must not let them in at all”, and “no, we must take everyone”. Thus, by answering “no”, you matched both the left guys and AfD. And there are many such inaccuracies – different wording of the questions will give different answers to the same party, “no” can be like a refusal and “no” like another proposal.

It turned out very clearly – you can see how strongly the greens developed the red theme and how strongly the red ones developed into the green. If you are going to vote for the Greens, please note that you vote as Linke in many cases. In my opinion, this is a combination of the incompatible: after all, following the green theme in the proposed from Greens and Reds form, they kill their social program (jobs, family cars …). Where does the money come from? The ÖDP in this sense are more understandable and consistent – back to the ground, digging potatoes and consuming fewer. Only for some reason no one wants and does not vote for them.

Nearby I wrote about possible coalitions, if obvious. For decoding of coalitions’ nicknames, see the first part.

I looked at the parties in parliament and a couple of the most visible small ones, because studying all parties that gain less than a percent is a waste of time. Die Partei also is not mentioned: this is for those who want to laugh (“we will make the speed limit 136 km/h, this is as much as 6 km more than the SPD …”). Since I looked at different sites, there were different numbers of answers to different questions. Abbreviation FW not typical – Freie Wähler

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Half timbered houses in Germany through history

Fachwerk Geschichte / History half timbered houses in Germany

Fachwerk (half timbered houses) is an ancient way of building profane buildings (that is, not churches). Similar basic principles were used in many places. But it was the Fachwerk that reached the height of art, reflecting in its development all cultural epochs – from the Middle Ages to Art Nouveau.

Most of all half-timbered houses are in Germany, but they can be seen also in France and England.

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Stumbling blocks

They are called stumbling blocks – Stolpersteine. And this is really so: you suddenly notice them, raising your leg for the next step.

You stumble and stop to once again remember how often man is a wolf to man. About how easy calls to a strong power and shouts about a “special” path, “special” moral qualities or a “special” faith of their people turn into wars and atrocities – in past, present and, unfortunately, future, because not everyone is ready remember.

Stolpersteine / stumbling blocks

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