Giving direction essay in German. Wegbeschreibung

Giving direction essay in German (Wegbeschreibung) pops up in the school several times in different grades and at different levels. Not all teachers decide to write this essay, some take it verbally. And in VERA in grade 3, too, there was a similar task.

The training method is very simple: we open a map of the area, a city plan (for example tourist plan from tourist office) and ask to give direction from and to.

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Dialogues b1 Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer. Event, trip, party, shopping

Dialogues are last part of Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer. First you speak about yourself, then you describe a picture and have to speak with your partner. In this part we take topics about different events, that you have to organize together. Tasks are taken from reviews of real exams shared in Internet.

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German synonyms. Receive: erhalten or bekommen, kriegen, beziehen, erlangen


In this thread, synonyms with the meaning “receive” are in the center. These are the words erhalten or bekommen and also kriegen, beziehen and erlangen. In addition, let’s take a look at enthalten – the word that is always confused with erhalten.

Let’s start with the simplest.

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