Last Updated on March 4, 2024
Secondary schools in NRW are a diverse system with several pathways into higher education. NRW is one of the few states with an almost comprehensive website on secondary education.
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Secondary school in Berlin – Brandenburg
The federal state considers common schools (Gesamtschule and Sekundarschule) as a very successful option that is the future, so if the commune wants, it can convert its schools into a common school.
Secondary schools in NRW – schema

Types of certificates
Hauptschulabschluss – certificate after 9th grade. It is noted which grade 10 (type A or type B) the student is transferred to. Exams are not administered centrally.
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10 – Hauptschule certificate after grade 10 type A. General exams are held. Based on the results, the student receives the right to receive further professional dual education or attend Berufskolleg. You can get it at any secondary school.
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR) – a certificate similar to a real school certificate (received after grade 10 in general schools, in real schools and Hauptschule (type B)).
Fachhochschulreife – certificate for admission to institutes (higher education, but not universities or institutions equivalent to universities). You can get it at Fachoberschule, Berufsfachschule.
fachgebundene Hochschulreife – certificate for admission to universities (subjects are limited). Available at Fachoberschule
allgemeine Hochschulreife – certificate for admission to any university. Received upon successful completion of the Abitur (gymnasiums, vocational schools).
Compulsory schooling
10 years plus vocational education until the end of the year in which you turn 18.
Secondary schools – first stage
Standard Hauptschule with a focus on vocational education. It is possible to reach the level of a real school through 10th grade type B.
From 7th to 9th grade, mathematics and English are taught at two levels: basic and advanced.
Orientation to the profession: from the 7th grade, visiting enterprises and short practices. Schools can be regular or full-day.
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR) – type В
Standard real school.
Main subjects: German, society (geography, history, politics), mathematics, natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry), English, art (drawing, music or textiles), religion, sports. Housekeeping or a second language may be added if the school wishes.
From the 7th grade, it is possible to deepen in one of the areas (natural sciences / technology, society or art).
With grades of at least 3 after the Realschule, you can attend the upper level of the gymnasium.
Less able students can receive the Hauptschulabschluss.
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR)
One of three possible “common” schools. Full day school. Unlike other types of common schools, this school does not have its own upper gymnasium level. Therefore, it must have an agreement with a school that has such a level.
Apart from that, the school offers the same education as a Gesamtschule: grades 5-6 study together, but children receive different tasks. Further training can be integrated (i.e. different tasks within one class), partially integrated (groups of different levels of training in some subjects) and cooperative (separate training by level).
Additionally, the school pays special attention to career guidance.
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR) – grade 10 type В
It unites students of all levels. In the vast majority of cases these are full-day schools.
In addition to the compulsory subjects, from the 7th grade you need to choose a second language, or labor, or a subject from the natural sciences. Computer science may also be added. The curriculum also includes additional hours that can be used for language learning, additional classes in subjects or career guidance. From grade 9, another language (second or third) can be added.
Education at different levels starts from 7th grade in English and mathematics, 8th or 9th grade in German and 9th grade in physics or chemistry. It can be carried out in the form of different courses (external differentiation) or within classes (internal differentiation). At the beginning of the year until the 10th grade, you can change the levels of study of subjects.
At the lower level (up to grade 10) you receive a Hauptschule certificate, a Hauptschule certificate after grade 10 and a real school certificate (mittlerer Schulabschluss). The latter can be obtained if there are marks of at least 4 in two advanced subjects and one compulsory elective subject, and at least 3 in subjects without in-depth. The remaining subjects must have marks of 3 (two subjects) and 4 (one more subject).
Admission to the upper level of the gymnasium is possible if grades are not lower than 3 (3 advanced subjects, a compulsory elective subject), not lower than 3 in other subjects, and at least 2 in non-advanced subjects.
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR) – grade 10 type В
allgemeine Hochschulreife
The gymnasium exists in an eight-year form and a nine-year form (G8, G9). The forms differ, in addition to different durations, also in the different introduction of a second foreign language (from 6th or 7th grade, respectively).
Grades 5 and 6 are a trial period, after which it is decided whether the child will remain in the gymnasium. Main subjects: German, society (geography, history, economics-politics), mathematics, natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), English, second foreign language, art, music, religion (practical philosophy), sports, compulsory elective subject ( for example, third foreign, computer science)
There are three areas for deepening in gymnasiums:
– Sprachen, Literatur, Kunst
– Gesellschaft (Geschichte, Sozialwissenschaften, Geographie, Philosophie, Pädagogik, Psychologie, Recht)
– Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (Mathematik, Physik, Biologie, Chemie, Informatik, Technik, Ernährung)
allgemeine Hochschulreife
Vocational schools
Berufskolleg – this is an association of vocational schools from dual education to vocational gymnasium.
You can get different types of certificates:
– secondary school certificates (as at Hauptschule, Realschule)
– certificates of gymnasium (fachgebundene Hochschulreife, allgemeine Hochschulreife).
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2-3-year dual education in areas:
– agriculture
– food and supplies
– design
– health/education and social informatics
– technology / natural sciences
– economics and management
A contract with firma is required.
Non-dual education. The areas of study are the same as in the Berufsschule.
Some options:
– one-year course based on a 9th grade certificate. You receive a 10th grade certificate
Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 10
– one-year course based on a Hauptschule grade 10 certificate or a gymnasium grade 9 certificate. You receive a Realschule certificate
mittlerer Schulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife (FOR) – type В
– two-year course based on a 9th grade certificate with the obtaining of specialties: social assistant, child care, food and supply assistant (service)
– two-year course based on a Realschule certificate with obtaining a Fachhochschulreife
– 2-3 years based on a Realschule certificate with obtaining Fachhochschulreife and profession:
food and supply assistant (technical),
food assistant,
design assistant,
gymnastics teacher,
computer scientist,
assistant in information technology,
assistant in construction technology,
assistant in biotechnology,
assistant in clothing production,
assistant in chemical engineering,
assistant in electrical engineering,
assistant in mechanical engineering,
assistant in physical engineering,
assistant in textile technology,
sales assistant
– two-year training based on Realschule certificate. A one-year practice agreement is required. You receive Fachhochschulreife
– one-year training based on Realschule certificate + work experience or continuous vocational training. You obtain Fachhochschulreife
– 13th grade based on a Realschule certificate + work experience or continuous vocational training. With obtaining of allgemeine Hochschulreife
allgemeine Hochschulreife
Berufliches Gymnasium
Study with specialization in the areas of
health and society,
computer science,
economics and management.
At the end they take the Abitur. Students with a real school certificate are accepted.
If at least three months of practice have been completed, then in addition to the gymnasium certificate, the following professions are obtained:
– design assistant
– educator
– assistant in information technology
– assistant in construction technics
– assistant in biotechnology
– assistant in chemical engineering
– assistant in electrical engineering
– assistant in technological equipment
– assistant in physical engineering
– assistant in environmental engineering
– technical assistant in industrial informatics
– sales assistant
allgemeine Hochschulreife
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Secondary schools in Bavaria
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Education system in Baden-Württemberg
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