Last Updated on April 12, 2024
Here you will find exercises for the topic “Sentences with zu”. Don’t forget to first study the explanation itself here: Sentences with zu in German.
Sentences with zu in German
Modal verbs in German
Verbs with prepositions in German. Preposition um and preposition über
Past tense in German. Perfect and preterite
SS or ß in German
Negation in German
Separable verbs in German
Reach an agreement: vereinbaren vs verabreden, ausmachen etc.
Description of a person’s appearance in German. 3. How to avoid repetition in essay
Difference between enden and beenden, abschließen, aufhören and other synonyms
When doing the test, keep in mind the meaning of constructions with zu (as an object or purpose) and who the actor is.
- A simpler sentence with zu recognition test.
2. The test is a little more difficult for translating some words (one option). Translate only highlighted words and not forget zu, if necessary.
3. Test without rating for translation training (the most effective, but also the most time-consuming). Because the test is sensitive to dots, extra spaces, etc. and I cannot provide all the options, I just write the correct answer, and you correlate your answer with the correct one. If you have any doubts whether your answer is correct, write in the comments.
Minor errors may be in a missing dots, rearranged words, synonyms. More significant errors may be in articles, word forms, prepositions, and constructions.
Sentences with zu in German
Modal verbs in German
Verbs with prepositions in German. Preposition um and preposition über
Past tense in German. Perfect and preterite
SS or ß in German
Negation in German
Separable verbs in German
Reach an agreement: vereinbaren vs verabreden, ausmachen etc.
Description of a person’s appearance in German. 3. How to avoid repetition in essay
Difference between enden and beenden, abschließen, aufhören and other synonyms