German B2 level tests

Last Updated on October 15, 2024

We are starting to collect topics for the German B2 test. First, let’s see what requirements are set by the organizations that conduct these tests. Today, most people take Telc B2 + Beruf (after the courses paid for by Arbeitsamt), much less often Telc B2 Allgemein and Goethe B2. Each of the tests has its pros and cons.
The topic is being updated. (UPD 11.10)

German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrases
Plural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine gender
Modal verbs in German
German picture description phrases and sequence
All b1 German speaking topics (DTZ, telc b1). Part 2
German B1 test DTZ. German letter writing B1 samples. Part 6

German B2 level tests

For the B2 exam, it is more difficult to collect the necessary topics than for B1, since this level implies the various topics, and not just everyday ones. Therefore, many characterize the leap in vocabulary from B1 to B2 as significantly greater than between other levels. Expressing one’s opinion becomes important. At the same time, the grammar remains practically the same as in B1, only a few topics are added, and the main focus is on sentence construction. Subordinate clauses, double prepositions, subjunctive mood – your friends at B2.

Sentences with zu in German
Conjunctions and connector adverbs – 2. Different word order in German
Conjunctions in sentences. Word order in German

Planned topics

German B2 (C1). Discussion and expression – basic phrases German
B2 (C1). Discussion and expression – topics (Telc B2 General, Telc B2 + Beruf, Goethe B2)
German B2. Topics for letters Telc Allgemein
German B2. Work letters (Telc B2 + Beruf (second letter), Goethe B2 (second letter))
German B2. Speaking – planning and problem solving (Telc B2 General, Telc B2 + Beruf)

Goethe-Zertifikat B2

The test has recently (2019) changed its format, so check what year the textbooks refer to. Don’t forget that libraries have quite a lot of German textbooks, including ones for tests.

Main textbooks
Goethe Institute’s own manual (to be honest, the training part is not very good, valuable for the exam samples) – Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat B2 Link*
A much more useful book in terms of preparation (just like it was for B1, Klett is also better there than Telc’s own manual)
Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat B2: Übungsbuch Link*
Klett. Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat B2: Testbuch Link*

German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrases

1. Reading – 65 min.
2. Listening – 40 min.

3. Writing (75 min. = 50 + 25 min.)

One letter – expressing your opinion on some issue (previously it was a letter to the editor, now it is a message on the forum – 150 words).
The second letter is a message on a professional topic (suggestion, explanation, polite request, cancellations and transfers of terms – 100 words).

4. Oral part (25 min: 15 min. preparation, 10 min. conversation)

A. You give a short presentation on a topic, your partner asks questions.
B. Exchange arguments in a discussion.

Telc B2 Allgemein

Please note that Telk does not have one exam, but two. So when you see criticism (in forums etc.) that something is outdated because it has a different written assignment, in this case it is not the old and new versions, but two different exams, Allgemein and Beruf. The second was introduced relatively recently.

The Allgemein test looks the easiest of all: the topics of the letters are approximately the same as in B1. The dialogue also largely repeats b1 (planning of actions). You learn one of the oral parts at home. At the same time, all this already familiar material must be memorized and produced by you without the participation of the brain, since the format of this exam does not assume the participation of the brain in the written part.

A website where there is also a sample test: Telc B2

Klett. Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B2: Testbuch mit Audios Link*
Klett. Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B2: Übungsbuch mit Audios Link*

German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrases

Reading – 90 min.
Listening – 20 min.

Writing (30 min!).
A semi-formal email as a response to an ad (complaint about the service not meeting the promises / or a request for information). 150 words

Oral part

A.Statement on a topic prepared at home (5 minutes). You choose one topic:
musical event,
sporting event,
person important to you,
event important to you.
In this test, only one of the seven topics is prepared and told. In the exam, you get all seven topics on a sheet of paper.

B. Discussion on the topic of the text that is given during preparation before the exam. Retell the information and express your opinion (5 minutes)

Dialogue – planning together (5 min.)

The exam topics are taken from the following areas:
– information about yourself
– the human body, health, self-care
– housing
– places
– everyday life
– food and drink
– education, training, vocational training
– work and profession
– shops, consumption
– services
– nature and ecology
– travel and transport
– free time and entertainment
– media and modern sources of information
– society, state, government
– relationships between people and cultures

Telc B2 + Beruf

Website: Telc B2 Beruf

The minus of this exam is quite big – a very fast writing part. The second minus for me personally – everything revolves around office topics, managers, suppliers or services. For those who have not worked in these areas, it is difficult and alien even in their native language. This is also a plus for those who are in the subject – they can focus only on this vocabulary.

Telc. Prüfungstraining: Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2 Link*
Telc. Schreibtraining: Deutsch für den Beruf B2 Link*
Telc. Schreibtraining: Deutsch für den Beruf B2 Musterlösungen Link*
Cornelsen. Prüfungstraining DaF – B2: Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2 Link*
Klett. Mit Erfolg zum Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2: Testbuch Link*
Klett. Mit Erfolg zum Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2: Übungsbuch mit Audios Link*

German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrases

Writing (60 min)

The written part of this exam is divided into several blocks and combined with listening and grammar, and very little time is given for everything.
A. Response to a complaint (20 min.) – reaction to the text read
B. Document a customer survey (5 minutes) – based on the text listened to (write only key words)
C. Write your opinion as a message on the forum (35 minutes) – together with grammar

Oral part (5 minutes for each block)

A. Speak on the topic, answer questions, the second examinee retells one aspect of this statement in his own words.
Unlike the Telc Allgemein test, there are 8 professional topics and you have to learn them all, since the exam only offers two of them in a random sample.

1.Describe the employer you have worked for or would like to work for. (industry, production or services, department, what you have to do, features)
2. Describe good working conditions (confidence in the workplace, salary, career opportunities, communication at the company, examples from your experience)
3. Describe the events and experiences that influenced your choice of profession (motivation, important people, etc.)
4. Describe a person who is a role model for you in the profession (qualities, influence on you, attitude)
5. Describe how to look for a job in the country of your choice (search for offers, contact, resume, interview)
6. Describe the interview, what to pay attention to in the country of your choice (typical questions, clothing, preparation)
7. Describe the product or service of your choice (feature, benefit for the client, pros and cons, success).
8. You want to work independently. Describe your business idea (what product/service, features, target group)

B. Informal conversation on the topic received as a question (small talk)

C. Discussion – solving a work problem

German test B2 (C1). German discussion phrases and statement phrasesPlural, declension, and gender in German. Feminine genderModal verbs in German German picture description phrases and sequenceAll b1 German speaking topics (DTZ, telc b1). Part 2German B1 test DTZ. German letter writing B1 samples. Part 6

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