Carnival in Germany

carnival in Germany / Karneval in Deutschland Fasching

Carnival in Germany – Faschingsumzug or Fastnachtsumzug – a favorite entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. Carnivals are not held in all German cities, usually larger or tourist ones in western and southwestern Germany.

The largest (most visited) are carnivals in Cologne, Dusseldorf, Mainz.

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German festivals in December – January

Drei Könige Feste in Deutschland im Dezember Advent / Festivals in Germany in December christmas

​​Christmas in Europe is a special time. A Christmas market, trees and decorations, Christmas carols … But all this you find not on Christmas itself, but earlier – on Advent. From December 23 to January 27, Europe is not the best place to visit: just before Christmas, everyone completely empties the store shelves and lies at the bottom: long weekends, no one works, except gas station, Donners and a few restaurants. The interval between Christmas and New Year and after the New Year is the time of sales of old clothing collections. And immediately after January 6, the holidays are completely over: the lights and the trees are removed.

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Joint building ventury (Baugemeinschaft)

The joint building ventury Baugemeinschaft is a popular form of organizing the construction of apartment buildings in Germany.

Summer surprise. Real estate declaration in Germany
Germany apartments search. Decoding ads
New heating law in Germany
Homeowners association in Germany
Fighting condensation and mold in Germany
How to sort waste in Germany – what waste is going where
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

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Christmas cookies in Germany

Christmas cookies in Germany / Weihnachten Plätzchen

This post is for those who have just met the fanaticism of Christmas cookies in Germany and don’t know where to start. You can easily find a couple of hundred cookie-themed recipes on the Internet, here are the most basic ones for beginners.

As soon as the children go to the kindergarten, the kindergarten and school “tribute” begin. For St. Martin, to sell at the Christmas market, to fundraise for the trip, for Basteltag, for the pre-Christmas breakfast in the garden, for the school Christmas breakfast, for Easter …

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Fighting condensation and mold in Germany

Kondenwasser am Fenster Schimmel

Fighting mold is an essential part of life in most German homes. The problem is blamed on users. They say tenants do not ventilate, overcool, etc. etc. In reality, of course, builders have crooked hands and save at the expense of residents. Our friends lived in Holland and did not observe this problem there, although Holland is clearly ahead of most German cities in terms of humidity.

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Saint Martin Festival Germany. Songs

Saint Martin Festival Germany

The main children’s autumn holiday is on the way – Saint Martin Festival in Germany. Processions with lanterns are timed to this holiday.

The memory of Saint Martin is celebrated on November 11th. But processions in his honor usually take place after All Saints’ Day, that is, after November 1, and small processions of one kindergarden or urban area can be scheduled for any day of the last week of October.

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German wine classification system and wine regions

german wine classification / Klassifikation deutscher weine

Since we live in a wine region, we had to explore German wine classification system. And German wines are not bad at all, if you make right choice.

In this post about different classifications (classic German wine classification + EU, taste, VDP), wine regions, popular sorts.

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DIY lantern for Saint Martin feast. 4. “Drums” and “Houses”

diy lantern / Laterne Saint Martin

“Drum” – the simplest and fastest form for diy lantern. The choice of motive is limited only by your desires and imagination. “Houses” are cubes or other prisms. Here you have to work more and plan more time, that is, this is an option for older children.

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