Last Updated on June 29, 2023
Pre-filled declaration with the data of the Finanzamt makes it possible to avoid unnecessary errors and save time. Sometimes you can discover something new. We found out that the employer paid money for the double household, although this did not appear anywhere in the papers. In addition, if you quit your job and the employer did not give you Lohnsteuerbescheinigung on time, although it is obliged, you can safely call the data via Elster and not waste your nerves on swearing.
Introduction in thema “German tax return” (wenn to fill, who must fill, what to fill).
How to calculate tax in Germany. What is written in Berechnung in Elster
Who should file a tax return in Germany
How you can fill Mantelbogen (Hauptvordruck)
Anlage N-Aus, Anlage Wa-Est, Homeoffice
Anlage Kind
Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand
Anlage Sonderausgaben
Anlage Haushaltnahe Diensleistungen 35a
Tax declaration Germany. Anlage EÜR
Let me remind you that I am not a professional tax consultant. Declarations are considered from the point of view of an ordinary user: a family with children and one working person of average income.
When I started to fill out declarations through Elster, there was an opportunity to call the data for myself. Now I have discovered that it is possible to call data on partners, which is very relevant for those who fill out a declaration for family.
The process is not difficult, but lengthy if you have an account for only one person. Depending on whether you need two codes or one, connection can take up to several weeks.
To connect, you need to entry in Elster.

Then Formulare und Leistungen.

Bescheinigungen verwalten – > Bescheinigungen anderer Personen.

Choose Abrufberechtigung beantragen and fill in:
– partner identification number
– his / her date of birth
The third line is identification, for you personally (if you call the data of several people). Additionally, you can limit the duration of the permission or what documents are included. This is usually not required as you don’t want to have the procedure every year.
Send (Antrag senden), receive confirmation.
If your partner also has a full-fledged account in Elster, then (s)he can immediately allow you to connect to the data.
If you have an account for only one person, then you first need to receive a letter from the FA. Within a couple of weeks, the FA sends a Freischaltcode to your partner.
Again we go to the address: Formulare und Leistungen / Bescheinigungen verwalten / Bescheinigungen anderer Personen. Your request is in the “open” status.:

Click on the blue checkmark and enter the Freischaltcode.
However, that’s not all. To get a pre-filled declaration, you need Abrufcode. Here I was a little confused what they mean and whose code this should be. The code must be the one whose account is open. That is, if your partner gives you permission through his own account, then the code will be his. If you yourself take the partner’s data through a single account, then the code will be yours.
If you have a code, you will find out from the Abrufcode Historie (scroll the post one picture back and you will see this section in Formulare und Leistungen / Bescheinigungen verwalten / Zustimmung und Abrufcode). If the code has already been issued (along with a connection to Elster), you will need to look for it in the papers. If the code was not issued or you cannot find it, you will need to order a new one.
To connect the data, go to our declaration and click on the blue bars on the left.

Next, we will be asked to choose whose data we want to claim.

After sending the request, you are shown what data the FA has on this person. I advise you to immediately copy these documents to your computer (Anzeigen) so that you always have them at hand, especially if your former employer did not send you a Lohnsteuerbescheinigung.

After copying the data, we agree to fill out a declaration with them – Formular mit Angaben aus Bescheinigungen aktualisieren.
On your declaration, the data carried over from the previous year will be marked in purple. Pre-filled declaration data will be marked in green-brown.
Trust, but verify: your employer may have sent incorrect data. If you have Lohnsteuerbescheinigung or payroll printouts, check them.
Anlage N-Aus, Anlage Wa-Est, Homeoffice
Anlage Kind
Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand
Anlage Sonderausgaben
Anlage Haushaltnahe Diensleistungen 35a
Tax declaration Germany. Anlage EÜR
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