Part time work in Germany. What does freiberuflich, nebenberuflich, ehrenamtlich, gewerblich, Minijob mean

Part time work in Germany can be: work for the minimum wage (Minijob), in the form of a small individual business or work on honorar. You can earn extra money while having a main paid job at the firma, but also a main unpaid job in the family or being a student.

For example, many come up with the idea to somehow monetize their wonderful photos. The entrance to such an activity is very simple – register in the stock and sell. Or work in a Verein, as a tutor, filming events on weekends, babysitting…

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Public transport in Germany

This topic is about how to get the most information from the Deutsche Bahn website, what are the cheapest tickets, how to find regional transport sites and how to buy a ticket, what is written on the board at the station and what the announcements on the train mean. Part 1: Trains in GermanyPart 2: … Read more

Who should file a tax return in Germany

Briefly about who should file a tax return in Germany, I wrote in the introduction to the topic on filling out a German income tax return. But there was no answer to the question:
I came in Germany this year
I am employee and have no other income
– should I file a declaration in Germany for this year?

In the list of those who must file a tax return in Germany, there are no fresh arrivals in the country. But my old memories of working for a tax magazine brought to the surface a vague knowledge of tax residency. Let’s try to understand this difficult topic, but first we will find out who is still on the list of those who must file.

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Library in Germany. How to use

When I tell those who have not yet had time to learn the language that the library in Germany is already waiting for them and will be very useful, they usually answer me with round eyes: “I can not find things in the supermarkt, but you are talking about the library.” However, later, when 5-6 years pass, the reaction after the first visit is usually different: “Why didn’t we go earlier?”

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How to change health insurance in Germany

Health insuranse in Germany

We have already found out how the contributions to the state health insurance are formed, who is obliged to have it, and what exactly of the medical services we are paid for, and for which we will have to pay extra. Now let’s find out how to change health insurance in Germany if another insurance promises a lot of free additional services or if the old one does not suit us with its service.

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Credit cards in Germany

Credit cards in Germany are the second vital issue after Girokonto. Everyone wants to effortlessly buy online or book. But before we plunge into the world of credit cards, let’s see if we can do without them.

What is Girokonto in Germany
Sale of used items (Privatverkauf). Private warranty
What is allowed to do if you are sick without to be fired
German tax refund – What I can claim to return. I-N
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

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Christmas cookies in Germany

Christmas cookies in Germany / Weihnachten Plätzchen

This post is for those who have just met the fanaticism of Christmas cookies in Germany and don’t know where to start. You can easily find a couple of hundred cookie-themed recipes on the Internet, here are the most basic ones for beginners.

As soon as the children go to the kindergarten, the kindergarten and school “tribute” begin. For St. Martin, to sell at the Christmas market, to fundraise for the trip, for Basteltag, for the pre-Christmas breakfast in the garden, for the school Christmas breakfast, for Easter …

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Fighting condensation and mold in Germany

Kondenwasser am Fenster Schimmel

Fighting mold is an essential part of life in most German homes. The problem is blamed on users. They say tenants do not ventilate, overcool, etc. etc. In reality, of course, builders have crooked hands and save at the expense of residents. Our friends lived in Holland and did not observe this problem there, although Holland is clearly ahead of most German cities in terms of humidity.

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