Last Updated on September 27, 2023
We go to the Anlage Kind. Anlage Kind – application for expenses for children in German tax return: Kindergarten, education (Ausbildung), Kindergeld and Kinderbonus.
Anlage opens if you mark it in Anlagenauswahl page.
All I can return from tax: A-D, E-H, I-N, P-W
Anlage N Part 1, Part 2, Anlage N-Aus, Anlage Wa-Est, Homeoffice
Anlage Kind
Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand
Anlage Sonderausgaben
Anlage Haushaltnahe Diensleistungen 35a
Who should file a tax return in Germany
Pre-filled declaration in Elster
How to calculate tax in Germany. What is written in Berechnung in Elster
Freiberufler in Germany: how to fill in Anlage S and Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung
Let me remind you that I am not a professional tax consultant. Declarations are considered from the point of view of an ordinary user: a family with children and one working person of average income.

There are no significant changes here, although the lines have moved.
Anlage Kind
Line 4 is the child’s identification number. It is received from birth. It is issued as soon as the town hall submits information about the registration of a newborn at the place of residence, and it is needed in order to enter it in the application for Kindergeld. But those who have just arrived may theoretically not have it yet. You can ask at the town hall or at the Finanzamt (FA).

Line 5 name and surname (if different from the family surname) and line 6 – birthday.
Where Kinderbonus in Steuererklärung enter?
Line 7 is the amount of Kindergeld received in a year (2778 euros for the full year of 2021 for the each first two children (Kindergeld itself + Kinderbonus 150 euros), 2850 for third child). If the benefit was received not for a full year, then it is calculated by months from the month of birth / moving from another country.
Instead of Kindergeld, they sometimes issue Freibetrag. The tax return programm automatically determines which form of deduction for children is more beneficial for the family, and recalculates in its favor.
The name of the Familienkasse that pays you money can be found by googling Familienkasse + PLZ code.
Lines 8-9 indicate where the child lived during the year. This refers to his permanent residence, not vacation. That is, if he lives permanently in the same family, then 01.01-31.12 is indicated and the address can be skipped, since it coincides with the address of the parents.

Line 10 – the degree of kinship with the child (leibliches Kind for your own chilld and then skip the date).

Lines 11-15 – other options for child wardship.

Adult children
Sections 3 and 4 apply entirely to adult children – whether they are learning or working or looking for job.

Medical insurance
Lines 31-40 for the child’s health insurance are filled in with information not contained in Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand.
Of these, from line 35 – for adult children for whom insurance is paid by parents. We dont’t have a private insurance, therefore pass this.
Lines 41-42 are for foreign insurances similar to domestic ones.

Lines 43 (section 7) are for separated parents.

Education and preschool
Lines 61-64 (section 8) – maintenance of adult children studying outside the home. Writting off occurs on a pauschal-sum basis – about 1000 for a full year (for months – respectively, 1/12 per month).

Section 9 (lines 65-67) – deduction of fees for private school. You can deduct fees for the school, but not for maintenance (meal & Co) – a third of the amount, up to 5,000 in total.

Section 10 (lines 68-72) – disability
Section 11 (lines 73-79) – childcare fees (Kindergarten, Hort, Au-pair, Krippe, Tagesmutter, grandmother’s expenses for way to child). They write off two-thirds of the amount, but we indicate the entire amount. Childcare does not include expenses for meal.
See posts “All I can return” for what can be deducted for the au-pair.
To deduct the payment to the grandmother, you need to conclude a contract with her and transfer money on the account.
Line 74 indicates compensation if it was received (for example, from an employer).

In line 75 – the child lives with his parents (usually 01.01 to 31.12). If the parents lived separately for some time, it is necessary to indicate with whom the child lived during what period in other lines.
Except Anlage Kind there are still many attachments to German tax declaration. Other posts about tax return see #steuererklaerung
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