What is selbstständig and how does it differ from Unternehmen? Selbstständig in Germany is an individual entrepreneur with a small business, as opposed to Unternehmen with a bunch of employees? Freiberufler is a freelancer or not only? And if I work for a Honorar – am I a Freiberufler? Let’s take a look at the statuses.
German picture description phrases and sequence
Having dealt with letters examples and dialogue topics for b1 test, we move on to the next topic – German picture description phrases for DTZ. The picture description is called Bildbeschreibung. This task is used in the exam up to level B1, then something more substantial is usually used, like a diagram or graph.
Oral part of the German B1 exam. Speaking topics
All b1 German speaking topics (DTZ, telc b1). Part 2
German holidays in April, May, Juny. Ostern, Maifest and Fronleichnam and others between
April, May and Juny in Germany are rich in various holidays and additional days off. Especially happy are Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg. They have still additional Pentecost school holidays.
Sale of used items (Privatverkauf). Private warranty
Once I met in an ad for the sale of used items a postscript about private warranty in large letters and with exclamation marks: “In accordance with EU law, every private seller must write that returns and replacements are not made and nothing is guaranteed.” Since I have not met with such a duty, I decided to investigate this issue.
What is allowed to do if you have sick leave in Germany without to be fired
When my husband received sick leave not with a common cold and bed rest, the question immediately arose: “What, in fact, can and cannot be done during recovery so that the employer does not get indignant?”
Anki pronunciation add-on
You don’t usually need pronunciation for German, but it’s actuell for other languages. Anki pronunciation add-on gives you the ability to add pronunciation quickly and effortlessly.
Aufmachen or öffnen or offen or eröffnen
To this day, every time I have to ask when an institution or store is open, I am agonizingly unsure which word to use. Aufmachen, öffnen or offen or geöffnet? Or, to be sure, just auf? What difference between öffnen and eröffnen?
Also aufschlagen, andrehen, aufschließen can mean “open closed”. Let’s start with them, so as not to get in the way.
Carnival vocabulary
The German carnival has many traditions and special words. Here are the most important of German carnival vocabulary words. What is Jeck and Larve? What does a Funkmariechen do? These and other questions we answer in this post.
Deutschtest für Zuwanderer b1 (DTZ). German writing examples 5
We continue to study possible subjects of letters for the DTZ B1. This time we need to communicate with school, courses or social or sport club (Verein).
Giving birth in Germany
Finally we got to the decisive stage of pregnancy – giving birth in Germany. This part is about what things to take with you to hospital, about the labor induction in Germany, pain relief and anesthesia for giving birth and time in the hospital after giving birth.
Part 1 Pregnancy in Germany. 1. Problems before pregnancy
Part 2 Pregnancy check up in Germany. Testing and monitoring
Part 3 Pregnancy in Germany. 3. What is hebamme, how to find her and what is Mutterpass