How system kills blogging

On my sites you will see a nasty full page ad that requires you to agree to cookies. I know it got you. It got me too. But I have no other choice as the European data protection law is written in such a way that it requires you to actively, not passively, consent to cookies. That is, you must press the button yourself. In doing so, it requires:

– so that absolutely all cookies are registered. And this is statistics, newsletters, services from WordPress like contact forms, advertising statistics and even fonts, etc. etc.

– so that you can refuse both all together, and from each separately

– so you can change your mind

– so that all these services, except for those that completely destroy the site, are disabled until you agree.

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Joint building ventury (Baugemeinschaft)

The joint building ventury Baugemeinschaft is a popular form of organizing the construction of apartment buildings in Germany.

Summer surprise. Real estate declaration in Germany
Germany apartments search. Decoding ads
New heating law in Germany
Homeowners association in Germany
Fighting condensation and mold in Germany
How to sort waste in Germany – what waste is going where
Renovation cost in Germany. Who pays

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4th grade. Gymnasium or Realschule?

What secondary school to choose – Gymnasium or Realschule? High school choice is not as obvious now as it used to be. Secondary education in Germany has changed significantly over the past 15 years.

I have so far examined the structure of education in half of the federal states (see the topics “Schools after the Grundschule”) and will continue to do so.

The main conclusion: the idea “if you want to go to a university, you need to fight to get into a gymnasium” in most Bundeslands no longer works. The strictest vertical is preserved in Bavaria and Saxony.

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German income tax declaration. Anlage N-Aus

German tax return Anlage N-Aus / Steuererklärung Anlage N-AUS ausfüllen

Anlage N-Aus is definitely not simply, also if you are not sure, it is better to go to the tax consultants for the first time (in LohnsteuerHilfe Verein). But it is possible, that you don’t need this application at all. Anlage N-Aus – for those who already live in Germany and make some work abroad.

If you are first year in Germany or leave it this year, then you need Anlage WA-Est. it has existed since 2017.

Read about Anlage WA-Est here.

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German tax return. Anlage WA-Est

how to fill out anlage wa-est german tax return anlage wa-est / Steuererklärung Anlage Wa-Est ausfüllen

In this part – how to fill out Anlage Wa-Est.

Anlage Wa-Est is filled out by those

  • who left Germany in the declared year,
  • who moved in Germany in the declared year
  • but also those who do not have a permanent place of residence in Germany, but would like to be treated as unrestricted taxable (that is, as living in Germany).

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Elster online. 6. Household works deduction – Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen (35a)

household work deduction tax return Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen ausfüllen Steuererklärung

The landlord or management company have finally bothered to send you an annual calculation? So you can go to the household works deduction in german tax return.

Household works have now a separate Anlage Haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen (35a). It moved here in 2020 from the main part (formerly lines 71-78 Hauptvordruck).

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Leben in Deutschland test. 7. Germany and Europe. Migrants

Leben in Deutschland test (Orientierungstest, Einburgerungstest) has several questions about the relationship between Germany and other countries (mostly Europe). There are also a few questions about migrants, but more from a historical perspective.

Note: This post does not include the changes that will occur with the UK’s exit from the EU.

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