Idioms in German with meaning stupidity, madness. 2. Modern expressions

Several additionally found idioms in German with meaning stupidity from modern books and blogs. They have not yet entered the dictionaries, and probably not all will. But the frequency can be high as they are in vogue now.

I chose more interesting idioms, but did not take the more offensive ones.

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Idioms in German with meaning stupidity, madness. Part 1

The dignity of a person never collects so many idioms, full of artistic images, as swearing. Opportunity to unburden himself, especially expressively stigmatizing the mental abilities of the opponent, is dear to everyone.

And native speakers of German have made a big contribution to this topic. During the collection of the material, I thought that I would drown under the number of expressions. Frequency is often difficult to determine. I didn’t take outdated ones. Found in texts and included in the popular lists are in bold.

Stupidity can be lack of intelligence, insanity, misunderstanding and error. Let’s start with the first and second, since the border between them is not very clear.

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Basic German. 3. Local prepositions in German

Usually this topic about local prepositions in German is very reduced for beginners, but I give a more complete version so that everything is in one place.

Basic German grammar tables and translation exercises in Anki. 1
Basic German with tables. 2. Noun and articles
Basic German. 4. Time and prepositions of time in German
German picture description phrases and sequence
German test b1 Deutschtest für Zuwanderer. Writing examples
Difference between verschieden, unterschiedlich, anders

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DTZ. German B1 exam writing examples. 1

German B1 exam writing examples

There will be letters examples for german language b1 level test – based on tasks that people have posted on forums and topics from different textbooks.

What is the level with which I will write these letters, it is difficult for me to judge. I think, B1 / B1+. In the preparation books for this exam, much simpler letters are shown as letters to the B1 level.

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Conjunctions in sentences. Word order in German

For me, when I was at the A2 level, it was a big mystery why, when we join the second parts of sentences with the same explanatory meaning, but different conjunctions (denn, weil, deshalb), the word order changes all the time. On the courses the teachers could not clearly explain this to me – you just have to remember. And I hate “just remember”, I prefer to understand. Therefore, we are looking for the answer ourselves.

It will be about conjunctions and connector adverbs, and for the sake of completeness, we will also take prepositions.

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